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Department of Buildings

On Tuesday, February 18, 2025, DOB will launch a major update to our building plan submission and review system, ProjectDox. This update will improve stability and the user experience exponentially. For more information, please click here.

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Accessing ProjectDox

ProjectDox customers are required to log in with an Access DC account.
Sign in for existing ProjectDox users

ProjectDox welcome screen AccessDC

  1. Visit ProjectDox and you will see a prompt to sign in with Access DC.
  2. If you do not have an Access DC account, signing up for an account is easy. Simply visit Access DC, click the sign up link, and set your Access DC email (username) to the email associated with your ProjectDox account.
  3. If you have an Access DC account and your ProjectDox email is the same as your Access DC account, sign in.
  4. If your Access DC email does not match your ProjectDox email address, email [email protected].

ProjectDox account sign up and sign in page under Access DC

Sign in for new ProjectDox users

  • If you are invited by DOB to ProjectDox and do not have an Access DC account, signing up for an account is easy. Simply visit Access DC, click the sign up link. Once your account is setup, visit ProjectDox to sign-in with your new Access DC account.
  • If you already have an Access DC account, simply sign-in to ProjectDox with your Access DC account.

Note: You must be invited to use ProjectDox and will not be able to sign in until DOB extends an invitation to you to use the application.

Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any issues signing up for an account and visit the Access DC information page for more information about this new security service.