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Department of Buildings

Effective Monday, March 17, 2025, DOB's Customer Service Center will temporarily relocate from the second floor to the sixth floor (Suite E630) at 1100 4th St SW to accommodate ongoing construction. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you!

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Energy and Green Building

The Office of Construction and Building Standards' Green Building division is responsible for regulating construction in the District that falls under the regulations of the Green Building Act, Green Construction Code, and Energy Conservation Code. The division is responsible for plan reviews, building inspections, certificate of occupancy review, training, and education. The Green Building division collaborates with sister agencies, the building industry, and the community to further efforts to build a more sustainable DC.

Energy and Green Worksheets Workbook

To streamline the permitting and inspection process, we’ve replaced the Energy Verification Worksheet and Green & Energy Compliance System (GECS) with an interactive workbook tailored to the D.C. Energy and Green Construction Codes. The Energy and Green Worksheets digital workbook is unique to your project and is mandatory for compliance across three project types:

  • Level 1 and 2 Alterations (commercial projects)
  • Level 3 Alterations
  • Additions
  • New Construction

Using the Energy and Green Worksheets Workbook

  • Energy and Green Worksheets workbook
  • Once you select the link, you will be prompted to make a copy of the workbook for your current project.
  • With each new project, visit this site and make a copy of the workbook to ensure that you are working with the most recent version.
  • In the workbook, instructions for its use are included on the Introduction Tab under, “How to use this document.” There are additional instructions on each of the required tabs.

Uploading Your Energy and Green Worksheets

Prior to uploading your drawings to DOB's Project Dox, create a document such as a Word document that can be saved as a PDF file. In the document, include:

  • Permit Number
  • Building Address
  • The link to your copy of the workbook containing your Energy and Green Worksheets.

Save the document as a PDF and upload it to ProjectDox under Supporting Documents with the page labeled, “Energy and Green Worksheets.” Please do not upload an Excel copy of the worksheets.

Additional Resources

Please note, the training slides provided below were developed under the auspices of DCRA which ceased operations on September 30, 2022. Should you need more information, please contact the Department of Buildings. 

Commercial Energy Conservation Code Training - Slides

Residential Energy Conservation Code Training - Slides

Flowerbeds along a DC street
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