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Department of Buildings

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Garage Permit

Permit Description

Renovation or new construction of a detached or attached structure (garage) on private property.

Submission Requirements

  1. For construction of a new garage, renovation or to convert the garage into a habitable space, architectural plans and a surveyor’s plat are required.
  2. For repairs and minor replacements, an architectural plan and site plan are required to complete the review. Pictures are also helpful to detail the location of repairs or replacements.
  3. District Department of Transportation (DDOT) may be required to review based on the location of your garage (i.e. bordering a public alley)

Application Process

  1. Begin your permit application under the permit type of a Garage Permit.
  2. Complete all required questions/fields (i.e.)
  3. Upload a formal quote, contract agreement or MS report and submit to pay the filing fee.
  4. Your application will be reviewed for next steps to begin the plan review process. (Please view the plan review process for the criteria for the two types of plan review)


Apply for a Permit


Permit Timeline


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