All CCCB Members are appointed by the Mayor, except for one Council representative that is appointed by the Chairperson of the Council of the District of Columbia. At least one-half of the Board members must be residents of the District of Columbia, and the private citizen member must be a resident of the District of Columbia.
The Board shall be deemed to be constituted upon the appointment of nine (9) members.
Persons interested in being appointed to the CCCB should contact the Mayor’s Office of Talent and Appointments (MOTA).
Chairman: TBD
- Marc Fetterman, Architectural Design Professional
- Jeff Reiss, Chief of Construction Inspections, DOB Office of Construction and Building Standards
- Michael Brown, Deputy Chief Building Official, DOB Office of the Construction and Building Standards
- Anthony Dale, Mayoral Delegate
- Matthew Borger, Council of the District of Columbia Delegate
- Casey Studhalter, District Department of the Environment (DOEE) Representative
- Jason Wright, Building Industry-Commercial and Industrial Representative
- Harrison Miller, Building Industry-Residential and Multi-Family Representative
- Gus Mehrdad, Mechanical Engineering Professional
- Jeffrey Viano, Structural Engineering Professional
- Joel Causey, Private Citizen
- Keith David Parsons, Strategic Enforcement Administrator, DOB Office of Strategic Code Enforcement
- Edward F. Kauffman, Battalion Fire Chief, DC Fire and EMS Department