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Department of Buildings

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Get a Subdivision Plat

How to Order

  1. Go to Subdivision Application
  2. Complete all fields, sign, and submit. Upload your current deed of conveyance. If the subdivision creates more than one lot, you must upload a sketch also.
    • A copy of your form will be electronically sent to the Office of the Surveyor.
    • A receipt will be sent to the applicant for payment.
  3. Once you receive a receipt, make payment.
    • Payment is required before the application can be accepted.
    • Forward a copy of the paid receipt to for processing.
  4. For a Site Per Subdivision Plat, go to Site Per Sub Plat
    • A Site Per Subdivision Plat can only be requested after the Office of the Surveyor receives your payment for a Subdivision Plat.
    • Add “Site Per Sub” in the Lot column after entering the current lot(s).

Get a Subdivision Plat


Cost and Time

  • The cost for a subdivision plat is $440 for up to three lots. An additional fee may be required for subdivisions involving irregular-shaped lots.
  • The approximate turnaround time is 4-6 weeks.

Care and Handling of Plats

  • Do not fold, alter, change, correct or add to a plat
  • Do not allow plat to get wet.
  • Let the ink dry; do not smudge.

If any mishandling occur, the plat will not be accepted for recordation and a new plat must be drawn,at additional cost and time.

Handling and Executing Subdivision Plats


The ONLY types of pen and ink that can be used are:

  • Black ink ballpoint pens made by Cross, Skillcraft or equivalent.
  • Black permanent ink ULTRA FINE felt tip pens made by Sanford (Sharpie).
  • Black permanent ink drafting pens.

Please note: Only submit the document to one agency at a time in the order listed below (OTR, DOEE, OP/HP, and Zoning) and wait until the document is received back from each agency signed until submitting to the next one. This ensures that there is only one document at the end of the process.



The owner(s) in fee simple of the property must sign the plat before a notary and have two (2) witnesses for EACH signature. The owner(s) in fee simple executing the plat must remain such until the subdivision is recorded.

If the owner is a corporation, the plat must be signed by two (2) officers who are designated by the corporation charter or by the Board of Directors to act for the corporation. A Corporation seal is required. The corporation seals must be firmly impressed to the plat and be legible. Stick-on seals are unacceptable.

If the owner is a partnership, the plat must be signed by a general partner.


If there is a mortgage(s) on any property involved in the subdivision, the trustee(s) must sign the plat in the space provided. Indicate the number of trusts in the space provided. The trustee(s) signature(s) do not have to be witnessed or notarized.

OTR (Taxes)

  • OTR (The Office of Tax and Revenue) and Real Property Taxes: Agencies will not review documents unless taxes are verified as being up to date. The applicant must contact the Office of Tax and Revenue.
    • How to submit an Unrecorded Subdivision Certification request on From the homepage of, click Search Real Property.
      • Enter at least one search item in the fields listed (SSL number or property address).
      • Click on the property’s SSL in the Search Results.
      • Click on Applications and Actions.
      • Under Property Maintenance, select Submit the Unrecorded Subdivision/Condominium Plat Certification.
      • Follow the Unrecorded Subdivision Plat Certification (this is where you would add any additional lots).
      • Complete the Application and Upload all Supporting Documentation A confirmation email will be sent to the email address provided in the submission. NOTE: Remember to sign the tax Certificate Acknowledgement located right under where the Tax Office signs off. 


The Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) and DOB reviews all subdivisions to determine whether the land, included in the subdivision application is within a Special Flood Hazard Areas (Zone A or AE).  All DOEE reviews should be initiated on the 2nd Floor at 1100 4th Street, S.W., Washington, DC 20024.

  1. If the land is within Zone X, DOEE will note the Zone X status (without elevation) and sign off a subdivision plat without collecting any fee.
  2. If the land is within Zone A or AE, DOEE and DOB will direct the applicant to DOEE HQ to obtain a flood zone and flood elevation determination.
    • DOEE HQ will provide an official determination of a flood zone and flood elevation for a specific location for a fee of $100.
    • DOEE and DOB will sign off on the subdivision plat with a DOEE approved flood zone and Flood Plain Information Request Form.

DOEE requires, for review and approval for compliance with DCMR 20, Chapter 31 – Flood Hazard Rules, that any subdivision located in whole or in part in a Special Flood hazard (SFHA) that is greater than 50 lots or 5 acres, whichever in the lesser, shall provide Base Flood Elevation* (BFE) data with the subdivision application, pursuant to 20 DCMR 3104.5

  1. BFE data can be obtained from the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) and Flood Insurance Study (FIS) for the District of Columbia, effective date September 27, 2010.
  2. Pursuant to 20 DCMR 3104.8, if BFE data is not available from the FIRM or FIS, the applicant shall develop BFE in accordance with current accepted hydrologic and hydraulic engineering practices.  When developed by the applicant, BFE data shall be certified by a District registered professional engineer (PE).
    • Base Flood Elevation is the elevation of the 100-year flood (the flood having a one percent) (1%) chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year.

Historic Preservation Review

The plat is then taken to the Historic Preservation Division desk (#5) in the Permit Center located at 1100 4th Street, SW, 2nd Floor for review and sign off. All subdivision plats are to be taken to the Historic Preservation Division for a determination concerning the historic nature of the subdivision's location.


The plat is then taken to the Office of the Zoning Administrator at 1100 4th Street SW, 3rd floor for certification as to compliance with Zoning Regulations. Note: The Office of the Zoning Administrator will hold the subdivision for review and signature by the Zoning Administrator. Upon signature, the Zoning Division will forward the subdivision to the Surveyor’s Office for final processing. Contact the Office of the Zoning Administrator at (202) 442-4576 to confirm delivery to the Surveyor’s Office.


Upon receipt from Zoning, the subdivision will be reviewed, signed given a new lot number and record in the Office of the Surveyor within 3 business days.

The Zoning Administrator requires the following information in order to review and sign any subdivision plat for zoning compliance. The provisions of DCMR 10, Section 2703 require a preliminary sketch, drawn to scale and including but not limited to the following:

  1. Boundary of the land to be divided (Plat showing how the land is currently configured before subdivision);
  2. Provide a building location survey (Man made features, such as buildings, structures, walls, fences, culverts and sewers must be shown, be sure to indicate length and width dimensions, setbacks, and number of stories);
  3. If you are subdividing Assessment and Taxation lot(s), provide the date the lot(s) were created (Subdivision history).

When submitting the original Mylar plat for approval by the Zoning Administrator, the scaled sketch showing the above items must be provided with the subdivision plat.

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