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ProjectDox Applicant Reference User Instructions

ProjectDox Login New Users

When invited to a project, customers will receive an email containing login information as well as a link to the project.

  1. Log into ProjectDox at
  2. Click Login.
  3. The Profile Information Screen will display for first time users only.
  4. Enter a new password and personal account information. A security question is required.
  5. Click SAVE to save the profile. 

Uploading Documents

  1. Log into ProjectDox at
  2. Select "All Task"
  3. Select project number
  4. To the LEFT of the Task window will be the Drawings and Supporting Documents folder
  5. Click on the folder header "Drawings" or "Supporting Documents" (To Left of Task Window)
    • Select “Upload Files” tab
    • Browse for Files (Select your files from where you have them stored)
    • Select the “Upload Files” tab
  6. Select Upload Files

Instructions to Uploading Document/Submit Prescreening: 

  1. Log into ProjectDox at
  2. Select “All Task” 
  3. Select project number (Look for Header labeled “Task”) 
    • Click on the Drawings or the Supporting Documents Folder (To Right of task Window)
    • Select “Upload Files” tab
    • Browse for Files (Select your files from where you have them stored)
    • Select the “Upload Files” tab
  5. Select "ApplicantUpload”  or “CorrectionComplete”
  6. Select “Upload Complete - Notify Jurisdiction” 
  7. Project should show as “No Task Available at this time” 

Instructions to Submit Project to Review Cycle:
*Uploading is not allowed during the Project Review Cycle* The project must complete the “Full” Review Cycle

  1. Log into ProjectDox at
  2. Select “All Task”
  3. Select project number • Look for Header labeled “Task”
  5. Select on one of the Task Headers
    1. "ApplicantResubmit” OR
    2. “CorrectionsComplete”
  6. Click on the 3 Check Boxes at the bottom
  7. Complete the “Task Instructions” and click on COMPLETE 
  8. Project should show as “No Task Available at this time”

Instructions to Access Project Reports: Viewing Comments/Status 

  1. Log into ProjectDox
  2. Select project number; from Home tab enter number in the Project Column.
  3. Select “Project Reports”. ( Upper right corner of the screen)
  4. Select A Workflow to Review
    1. PDOX-PrescreenComments (Comments will appear at under Comments Section) OR
    2. Workflow_Department Review
  5. Click on “Magnifying Glass”
  6. Click the + sign to open report

If you have any additional questions, please contact the ProjectDox Team at [email protected].