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Building Permit Fee Schedule

(a) Building Structures and Equipment        
Description Fee Description Fee Amount Enhanced Fee Total
New construction and alterations Filing deposit 50% of the assessed permit fee based on the estimated cost of construction not to exceed $20,000.00 10% additional Calculate
New construction and additions Permit fee $0.03 per cubic foot of construction 10% additional Calculate
  Green Building Fee - New construction $0.002 per square foot of construction 10% additional Calculate
Alteration and repair Permit Fee: construction valued less than $500 $33 10% additional $36.30
  Permit Fee: construction valued between $501-$1,000 $65 10% additional $71.50
  Permit Fee: construction valued between $1,001-$1 million $30 + 2% of construction value $1001-$1 10% additional Calculate
  Permit Fee: construction valued over $1 million $10,030 + 1% of total construction cost 10% additional Calculate
  Green Building Fee: construction valued between $1,001-$1 million 0.13% of construction value 10% additional Calculate
  Green Building Fee: construction valued over $1 million $1,300 + 0.0065% of construction value over $1 million 10% additional Calculate
Asbestos removal   Same as alteration/repair 10% additional Calculate
Awning   $65 each 10% additional $71.50
Capacity placard review   $20/hour 10% additional $22.00/hour
Contamination testing   $33 10% additional $36.30
Demolition   $30 + 2% of construction cost 10% additional Calculate
Excavation only Less than 50,000 cubic feet $130 10% additional $143.00
  50,000 cubic feet or more $650 10% additional $715.00
Fire retardant painting Less than 200 square feet $26 10% additional $28.60
  200 square feet or more $46 10% additional $50.60
Fence on private property (installation or repair)   $33 10% additional $36.30
Foundation only Less than 50,000 cubic feet $130 10% additional $143.00
  50,000 cubic feet or more $650 10% additional $715.00
Garage (new) or shed (new)   $65 10% additional $71.50
Grandstand 100 or fewer seats $33 10% additional $36.30
  101-500 seats $65 10% additional $71.50
  501-1,000 seats $100 10% additional $110.00
  Each additional 1,000 seats $33 10% additional $36.30
Projection into public space Residential $65 each 10% additional $71.50/each
  Commercial $130 each 10% additional $143.00/each
  Modification (variance) $130 each 10% additional $143.00/each
Raze   $0.02/cubic foot 10% additional Calculate
Retaining wall, tank, tower   $46/$1000 of construction cost 10% additional Calculate
Sheeting & shoring Less than 50,000 cubic feet $130 10% additional $143.00
  50,000 cubic feet or more $650 10% additional $715.00
Sign New up to 25 square feet $65 10% additional $71.50
  New between 25-100 square feet $130 10% additional $143.00
  More than 100 sq. ft. $130 + $2 for each square foot over 100 square feet 10% additional Calculate
  Billboard repair $33 each 10% additional $36.30
  Special Sign artwork change $500 each 10% additional $550.00
Swimming Pool Up to 15,000 gallons $260 10% additional $286.00
  More than 15,000 gallons $260 + $33/1000 gallon 10% additional Calculate
Test boring for gas/soil/water   $7/bore 10% additional Calculate
Miscellaneous (antenna, kiosk, pole, satellite dish, temporary barricade/fence/trailer/sidewalk/shed/bridge/tent/tower crane)   $33 each 10% additional $36.30
Permit renewal or change of permit ownership   $33 each 10% additional $36.30
Postcard Permit   $33 each 10% additional $36.30
(b) Special Permits and Reviews        
Description   Fee Amount    
Commission for Fine Arts review filing (first time, non-refundable)   $33 10% additional $36.30
Covenant Processing $325 10% additional $357.50
  Requiring Mayor’s signature $130 additional 10% additional $143.00
Preliminary Single family $65 10% additional $71.50
Design Review Meeting Commercial: less than 10,000 sq. ft. (1 hour maximum) $130 10% additional $143.00
  Commercial: between 10,000-100,000 sq. ft. (2 hour maximum) $390 10% additional $429.00
  Commercial: 100,001 square feet and greater (3 hour maximum) $650 10% additional $715.00
  Additional: per full or fraction of hour $150 10% additional $165.00
Repeat Technical Review Single family $65 10% additional $71.50
(rejected, revised, re-reviewed plans) Commercial: less than 10,000 square feet $130/discipline 10% additional $143.00/discipline
  Commercial: between 10,000-100,000 square feet $390/discipline 10% additional $429.00/discipline
  Commercial: 100,001 square feet and greater $650/discipline 10% additional $715.00/discipline
Tenant layout   $20/hour 10% additional $22.00/hour
Home Occupation Non-refundable permit filing fee $33 10% additional $36.30
  Permit issuance fee $33 10% additional $36.30
Certificate of Occupancy Copy $7 for regular copy; $20 for certified copy/affidavit 10% additional Calculate
  5,000 square feet or less $42 + $33 filing fee 10% additional Calculate
  5,001-50,000 square feet $42 + $0.004/square foot + $33 filing fee 10% additional Calculate
  50,001-100,000 square feet $276 + $0.003/square foot + $33 filing fee 10% additional Calculate
  100,001 sq. ft. or more $471 + $0.0013/square foot. + $33 filing fee 10% additional Calculate
Certificate of Use Enclosed sidewalk café $260 + $0.03/cubic foot 10% additional Calculate
  Unenclosed $260 10% additional $286.00
  Certificate of use $260 per year 10% additional $286.00/year
(c) Supplemental Permits        
Description   Fee    
Annual inspection certification-BBPV   $33 each 10% additional $36.30/each
Boiler furnace change or rebuilding   $52 each 10% additional $57.20/each
Boiler – MB   $46 each 10% additional $50.60/each
Fired object (misc.)   $46 each 10% additional $50.60/each
Incinerator & trash chutes 0-100 lbs/hour or domestic incinerator $33 each 10% additional $36.30/each
  101-300 lbs/hour $52 10% additional $57.20
  301-500 lbs/hour $65 10% additional $71.50
  Over 500 lbs/hour $100 10% additional $110.00
H/W boiler 0-500 gals/hour $46 each 10% additional $50.60/each
  Over 500 gals/hour $52 each 10% additional $57.20/each
Incinerator 0-300 lbs $33 each 10% additional $36.30/each
alterations Over 300 lbs $52 each 10% additional $57.20/each
Heating boiler 0-1200 MBH $33 each 10% additional $36.30/each
  1201-6000 MBH $52 each 10% additional $57.20/each
  Over 6000 MBH $65 each 10% additional $71.50/each
  0-8,500 sq. ft. $52 each 10% additional $57.20/each
  Over 8,500 sq. ft. $100 each 10% additional $110/each
Miniature boiler Up to 500 gallons/hour $46 each 10% additional $50.60/each
  500 gallons/hour and over $52 each 10% additional $57.20/each
Oil-fired furnace 0-100 MBH $26 each 10% additional $28.60/each
  Over 100 MBH $33 each 10% additional $36.30/each
Power boiler Q-10 HP; or 1675-8369 MBH $52 each 10% additional $57.20/each
  11-50 HP; or 8370-16,739 MBH $65 each 10% additional $71.50/each
  51-150 HP $100 each 10% additional $110/each
  Over 150 HP; over 33,479 MBH $195 each 10% additional $214.50/each
  0-1674 MBH $33 each 10% additional $36.30/each
  16,740-33,479 MBH $111 each 10% additional $122.10/each
Trash chute: No incinerator installation or misc.   $46 each 10% additional $50.60/each
Unfired pressure vessel   $33 each 10% additional $36.30/each
(d) Additional Supplemental Permits        
Description Fee Amount Enhanced Fee Total  
Group 1. Outlet (receptacle, switch, or fixture) wiring only        
Outlets(receptacles, switches, fixtures) $20 for each 10, or fraction of 10 10% additional Calculate  
Group 2. Fixture & Lamp Holder        
Lights fixtures and lamp holders $8 for each 10, or fraction of 10 10% additional Calculate  
Group 3. Electrical Discharge Sign        
Up to 500 VA $26 10% additional $28.60  
Each additional whole or fraction of 500 VA $20 10% additional $22.00  
Group 4. Heating Equipment        
Baseboard or space heater $10/KW up to 10 KW; $6 for each additional KW 10% additional Calculate  
Furnace or unit heater $36 for first one; $16, each additional 10% additional Calculate  
Furnace controls wiring/replacement only $24 each 10% additional $26.40  
Group 5. Commercial Heating and Cooking        
Appliance, 1-8 kW range $26 for first one; $16, each additional   Calculate  
Appliance, over 8 kW range $36 for first one; $16, each additional   Calculate  
Group 6. Motors & Generators        
Less than ¼ HP range $20 for each 10 or fraction of 10 10% additional Calculate  
¼-1 HP range $33 for first motor; $16 for each additional 10% additional Calculate  
1-5 HP range $46 for first motor; $16 for each additional 10% additional Calculate  
Over 5-10 HP range $60 for first motor; $20 for each additional 10% additional Calculate  
Over 10-20 HP range $72 for first motor; $26 for each additional 10% additional Calculate  
Over 20-30 HP range $91 for first motor; $39 for each additional 10% additional Calculate  
Over 30-50 HP range $117 for first motor; $47 for each additional 10% additional Calculate  
Over 50-75 HP range $130 for first motor; $52 for each additional 10% additional Calculate  
Over 75 HP range $143 for first motor; $65 for each additional 10% additional Calculate  
Group 7. Service        
Service conductor - conductors and poles $26 for first service/pole; $8 each additional service/pole 10% additional Calculate  
Service conductor - overhead/underground $20 each 10% additional $22.00  
Group 8. Service & Meter Equipment        
Up to 200 Amp range $39 for first; $16 for each additional 10% additional Calculate  
201-400 Amp range $52 for first; $24 for each additional 10% additional Calculate  
401-800 Amp range $78 for first; $39 for each additional 10% additional Calculate  
Over 800 Amp range $124 for first; $52 for each additional 10% additional Calculate  
Group 9. Transformers        
1-10 kVA range $33 for first; $16 for each additional 10% additional Calculate  
11-75 kVA range $46 for first; $20 for each additional 10% additional Calculate  
76-200 kVA range $55 for first; $23 for each additional 10% additional Calculate  
Over 200 kVA range (vault) $117 for first; $52 for each additional 10% additional Calculate  
Group 10. Theater or Other Places of Public Assembly Equipment        
Spotlight $33 for first arc; $16 each additional 10% additional Calculate  
  $26 for first portable/temporary arc; $16 each additional 10% additional Calculate  
  $20 for first portable/incandescent; $8 each additional 10% additional Calculate  
Motion picture machine $65 for first permanent; $33 for each additional 10% additional Calculate  
  $39 for first portable; $20 for each additional 10% additional Calculate  
Slide projector $36 for first; $20 each additional 10% additional Calculate  
Amplifier or portable switchboard $33 for first; $16 each additional 10% additional Calculate  
Switchboard or dimmer over 1kW $26 for first; $16 each additional 10% additional Calculate  
Portable TV installation $26 for first receiver; $13 each additional 10% additional Calculate  
Portable or temporary incandescent light (no spotlights) $26 for 1-25 lights; 10% additional Calculate  
  $33 for 26-50 lights; $39 for 51-100 lights 10% additional Calculate  
  $13 for each additional 100 lights or fraction of 100 10% additional Calculate  
Group 11. Temporary Installations, Decorations, Lawn Fetes, etc        
1-25 lights $33 for the first 90 days; $16 for each additional 90 days or more 10% additional Calculate  
26-50 lights $39 for the first 90 days; $20 for each additional 90 days or more 10% additional Calculate  
51-100 lights $55 for the first 90 days; $28 for each additional 90 days or more 10% additional Calculate  
Each additional 100 lights $20 for the first 90 days; $8 for each additional 90 days or more 10% additional Calculate  
Use of current on wiring, apparatus, and fixtures, for use pending installation completion $55 for the first 90 days; $28 for each additional 90 days or more 10% additional Calculate  
Circus/carnival $125 for up to 50 kW; $125 for each 10% additional Calculate  
Exhibition $60 for up to 3000 square feet; $33 for each additional 1000 square feet 10% additional Calculate  
Group 12. Radio and Television        
Centralized receiver amplifier $33 for the first amplifier; $25 for each additional 10% additional Calculate  
Centralized speaker station $20 for the first station; $20 for each 10 or fraction of 10 10% additional Calculate  
Closed circuit television camera $26 for the first camera; $20 for each additional 10% additional Calculate  
Receiving station (including antenna/ground connection device for receivers) $20 for the first station; $15 for each additional 10% additional Calculate  
Transmitting station $65 for the first station; $33 for each additional 10% additional Calculate  
Group 13. Miscellaneous (R=Residential)        
ARC vapor lamp $26 for the first; $16 for each additional 10% additional Calculate  
Battery charger $33 for the first; $16 for each additional 10% additional Calculate  
Crane, electric, for construction work $125 10% additional $137.50  
Central air conditioning system, up to 5 T (R) $65 for the first; $26 each for 2-25 systems; and $16 each for more than 25 10% additional Calculate  
Clothes dryer (R) or range (R) $20 for the first; $7 for each additional 10% additional Calculate  
Conduits-empty $20 per floor 10% additional $22.00 per floor  
Electric furnace (R) $39 for the first; $29 each for 2-25 systems; and $16 each for more than 25 10% additional Calculate  
Electric sign-incandescent $8 for each 10 or fraction of 10 10% additional Calculate  
Fire alarm system devices $20 for each 10 or fraction of 10 10% additional Calculate  
Panel board replacement/feeder conductor replacement $20 for the first panel board/feeder; $8 for each additional 10% additional Calculate  
Preventive maintenance $130 per switchboard 10% additional $143 per switchboard  
Rectifier or welder $39 for the first; $16 for each additional 10% additional Calculate  
X-ray machine $33 for the first; $16 for each additional 10% additional Calculate  
Postcard Permit: Electrical General $20 each 10% additional $22.00 each  
Postcard Permit: Electrical Heavy-Up $59 each 10% additional $64.90 each  
Fire alarm/smoke/heat detectors; or LV telephone/data/voice outlets; or LV security alarm devices/data/voice $20 each 10 or fraction of 10 10% additional Calculate  
Minimum permit fee $20 10% additional $22.00  
Appliances installation each type $26 for the first; $20 for each additional 10% additional Calculate  
Gas conversion burner installation $46 each 10% additional $50.60 each  
Postcard Permit $26 per fixture or appliance 10% additional $28.60 per fixture or appliance  
Gas appliances include boilers, cookers, ranges, furnaces, heaters, ironers (commercial or residential), kettles, mangles, radiators, refrigerators, stills, water        
Description   Fee Amount Enhanced Fee Total
Refrigeration Class E - 0-120,000 BTU/h $46 each 10% additional $50.60 each
Air Conditioning Class D - 120,000-600,000 BTU/h $78 each 10% additional $85.60 each
  Class C - 600,001-1,200,000 BTU/h $195 each 10% additional $214.50 each
  Class B - 1,200,001-2,400,000 BTU/h $260 each 10% additional $286.00 each
  Class A - over 2,400,000 BTU/h $390 each 10% additional $439.00 each
Postcard Permit (up to 10 Ton)   $46 each 10% additional $50.60 each
Line cap (includes sewer, water); line cut (includes gas, sewer, soil waste, vent, and water lines); line test (gas   $26 each 10% additional $28.60 each
Plumbing fixture   $26 for the first; $20 for each additional 10% additional Calculate
Postcard Permit   $26 per fixture or appliance 10% additional $28.60 per fixture or appliance
Sprinkler system NFPA 13 system, up to 50 heads $4 per head 10% additional $4.40 per head
(alter, install, repair, & check valve) Each additional head over 50 $2 per head 10% additional $2.20 per head
  NFPA 13R or 13D system, up to 20 heads $3 per head 10% additional $3.30 per head
Plumbing fixtures including backflow preventers, basins, bath tubs, bidets, dishwashers, down spouts, drains (area/floor/roof), drinking fountains, garbage        
Other Fees Fire Suppression Systems: Hoods and Ducts      
  1-50 nozzles $6 each 10% additional $6.60 each
  Each nozzle thereafter $3 each 10% additional $3.30 each
  Minimum project review fee $33 10% additional $36.30
  Shop Drawing Review      
  Shop drawing review fees $20/hour 10% additional $22.00/hour
  Elevator repair fee 1% of construction cost 10% additional Calculate
  New elevator fee $85 10% additional $93.50
  Designation of a New Address      
  New address $25 each 10% additional $27.50
  Modification and Variance Requests      
  Modification and variance requests $175 10% additional $192.50