A use that specializes in providing services, that include rental of automobiles, falls under the “Motor Vehicle-Related” Use Category 11 DCMR Subtitle B-200.2 (v) (1), which states that this includes “A use engaging primarily in the on-site sale, rental, service, maintenance, or refueling of motor vehicles or their components.”
This use category is not specifically listed in the MU-Use Group (either permitted or prohibited). However, specific uses included with this use category (e.g. automobile sales, automobile rental, etc.) are listed throughout the different use categories.
The MU-13 zone permits uses as identified in MU-use Group C. Because “Motor-vehicle related uses” as a group are not specifically permitted or permitted in any of the MU-Use Groups, the Zoning Administrator has identified those instances in which a related use is specifically identified to provide guidance as to whether the use is permitted in the MU-Use Group C.
Section U § 509.1(b) prohibits “Automobile or motorcycle sales or repairs” in MU-Use Group C. There is no mention of automobile rental or motor-vehicle related uses.
An automobile rental agency is prohibited by Section U § 514.2 (MU-Use Group E) in the MU-24 and MU-26 zones.
All other references in the MU-Use Groups are to the uses related to sales or repairs.
For the Neighborhood Commercial zone, NC-Use Group B (Subtitle H § 1106(j)) specifically permits Motor vehicle uses, subject to certain limitations and conditions. An automobile rental agency is permitted with no conditions.
In the SEFC-1 zone district, Section K § 237.4 permits an automobile rental agency so long as there is no outdoor storage of cars.
An automobile rental agency is not permitted in the RC Zone per Section K § 715.1(f)
Because an automobile rental use is not specified in the MU-Use Group, the subgroups of the use are specifically prohibited in the MU-Use Group C and specified zones in MU-Use Group E, and there is no other referenced to automobile rental agency in the MU-Use Groups, the Zoning Administrator has determined that the use falls within another permission. Based on the previous permission in the W-2 zone as a general services use group and the similar specific approval in the Neighborhood Commercial zone, an automobile rental agency is permitted in the MU-Use Group C (MU 13).
In summary, an automobile rental agency is permitted in the D, all MU except MU24 and MU-26, NC, and PDR Zoning Districts.