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Department of Buildings

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Zoning Administrator Interpretation 28: Accessory Building Summary – RF Zones

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Because the Zoning Regulations contain several provisions regarding the regulation of Accessory Buildings, the Office of Zoning Administration has summarized these regulations in RF zones for clarity: 

RF Zone Accessory Building Regulations – Excerpts of 11 DCMR Subtitle E, Chapter 50 

E-5002 HEIGHT 

5002.1 The maximum permitted height for an accessory building in an RF zone shall be twenty-two feet (22 ft.) and two (2) stories, including the penthouse. 


5003.1 The maximum building area for an accessory building in an RF zone shall be the greater of thirty percent (30%) of the required rear yard  or four-hundred and fifty square feet (450 sq. ft.). 


5004.1  An accessory building other than a shed may be located within rear yard in an RF zone provided that the accessory building is: 

(a) Not in a required rear yard; and 

(b) Set back at least seven and one-half feet (7.5 ft.) from the centerline of any alley. 

Narrative of Zoning Administrator Interpretation 

Both Sections E-5003 and E-5004 apply to the siting of Accessory Buildings in the Rear Yard, but they are distinguished as follows: 

Section E-5003.1, Building Area, is a maximum Accessory Building footprint limitation, and the provision denotes a limit that references 30% of the required rear yard area, which is irrespective of the location (whether or not such Accessory Building is actually within the required rear yard or not). Also, the Zoning Administrator notes that the proposed accessory building area (from E-5003.1) is added to the building area or building footprint(s) on the lot, for an overall maximum permitted lot occupancy, which is subject to E-304.1.