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Department of Buildings
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Technical Advisory Groups

A Technical Advisory Group (TAG) is a subcommittee of the Construction Codes Coordinating Board (CCCB) that assists the CCCB in evaluating changes, additions or deletions to the ICC Codes and the National Electrical Code adopted by the District of Columbia. Each TAG is dedicated to a particular area of expertise that corresponds to a model code (or codes) review and is chaired by a CCCB member.  A TAG may initiate code change proposals or review code change proposals forwarded by the CCCB Chair for its review and recommendation. While members of the public are invited to participate in TAG meetings, only TAG members appointed by the CCCB are entitled to vote on any proposals or recommendations to the CCCB.  The Technical Advisory Groups provide relevant expertise on other issues as specified by the Construction Codes Coordinating Board, and undertake research or review on any technical issues that are identified by the TAG in the course of its activities and which the TAG Chair believes warrants further study or consideration.

If you would like to apply to become a member of a TAG, please complete the application and attach your resume or a biographical sketch. Please scan and send an email to the CCCB with the application and attachments. You can also fax to (202) 442-9445 or drop off the application in person at 1100 4th Street, SW, 5th Floor, Washington, DC 20024.

Technical Advisory Group  Chair
Accessibility Jason Wright
Administration & Enforcement Marc Fetterman
Building (including Swimming Pool) TBD
Electrical TBD
Elevator TBD
Existing Buildings TBD
Fire & Life Safety Mitchell Kannry
Green Construction & Energy-Commercial Casey Studhalter
Mechanical  Marc Fetterman
Property Maintenance Matthew Borger
Residential & Energy-Residential  Michael Brown
Structural & Special Inspections Jeffrey Viano
Flood Hazard Special Committee Nicholas Bonard


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