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Department of Buildings

Effective Monday, March 17, 2025, DOB's Customer Service Center will temporarily relocate from the second floor to the sixth floor (Suite E630) at 1100 4th St SW to accomodate ongoing construction. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you!

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Notice of Infraction

NOI Image

What is a Notice of Infraction?

A Notice of Infraction (NOI) is a formal notification issued by the Department of Buildings (DOB), to inform an individual or entity that they have violated specific laws, regulations, or codes. This notice details the nature of the infraction and the specific regulations that have been breached. It also outlines the required corrective actions and any associated penalties or fines. The purpose of an NOI is to enforce compliance with legal standards to ensure safety, health, and order within the District

*Please note that NOIs are different from Notices of Violation (NOVs), which are issued for vacant property maintenance violations.  An NOV operates as a warning, posted to affected property and mailed to property owners.  If the required corrective actions detailed in an NOV are not responded to, further enforcement action is taken, including DOB abatement of the property, issuance of special assessments for the cost incurred by the District for performing abatement work, and an NOI.

Types of NOIs

Notice of Infraction Emergency (NOIE)

A Notice of Infraction Emergency (NOIE) is issued when a violation poses an immediate threat to public safety or health. This notice requires prompt corrective action to address urgent hazards including but not limited to:

  • Fire safety hazards

  • Heating and cooling failures

  • Severe plumbing issues

DOB’s goal is to mitigate any potential risks quickly to ensure the safety of the occupants and the public. The notice will outline the specific infractions and provide a timeline for corrective actions to be taken to bring the property into compliance.

Notice of Infraction Routine (NOIR)

A Notice of Infraction Routine (NOIR) is issued for violations that, while not posing an immediate danger, still require attention to comply with building codes and regulations. These infractions are typically less severe and can include:

  • Cosmetic problems (e.g., chipping paint)

  • Minor structural issues such as cracks in walls or ceilings

  • Non-urgent plumbing issues such as leaky faucets or slow drains

The notice will outline the specific infractions and provide a timeline for corrective actions to be taken to bring the property into compliance.

Notice of Infraction Sanitation (NOIS)

A Notice of Infraction Sanitation (NOIS) is specifically issued for sanitation-related violations, such as improper disposal of trash and debris, high grass, and overgrown weeds. This type of notice focuses on maintaining cleanliness and proper upkeep of properties to prevent health hazards and maintain community standards. Property owners are required to address these issues within a specified timeframe to avoid further penalties or enforcement actions.

Before receiving a NOIS, property owners will receive a Sanitation Warning Letter, which is issued and posted at the location of the violation. This warning serves as a preliminary notice to address the sanitation concerns before further enforcement action is taken.

Notice of Infraction for Illegal Construction

A Notice of Infraction is issued when violations to the District’s Construction Codes are observed. The notice will outline specific infractions and corrective actions. Illegal Construction NOIs issued on an active construction site, may be served after a Stop Work Order has been posted to the property. Should a Stop Work Order be issued, corrective actions are included with this separate notice. Stop Work Orders may be resolved here.

Notice of Infraction for Failing To Register Vacant Property

A Notice of Infraction is issued when property deemed vacant is not properly registered. The notice will outline the specific infractions and response instructions. To register vacant property, please visit our Vacant Buildings webpage.

Abatement of NOIs

Please note: to abate NOIs for illegal construction, please visit this page.

Proof of abatement regarding housing code violations can consist of various types of documentation and evidence that demonstrate violations have been corrected and the property now complies with the relevant codes and regulations. Please note acceptance of evidence as sufficient proof of abatement is at the sole discretion of the inspector reviewing the evidence.

DOB is launching an automated Abatement Reminder Email initiative to encourage property owners to come into compliance with housing code violations. Our goal is to incentivize them to fix these violations quickly. The reminder emails will have information on how to document the abatement of violations and settle the case. All customers have to do to stop the email reminders is to prove violations have been fixed.

Proof of abatement may include a combination of:

Photographs or Videos:

  • Before-and-after images showing the condition of the property prior to and following the abatement.
  • Videos providing a detailed visual inspection of the corrected violations.

Receipts and Invoices:

  • Receipts for materials purchased to correct the violations.
  • Invoices from contractors or service providers who performed the necessary repairs or maintenance work.

Work Orders and Service Agreements:

  • Detailed work orders outlining the repairs or maintenance performed.
  • Copies of service agreements with contractors or maintenance companies.

Permits and Approvals:

  • Copies of any permits obtained to perform the corrective work.
  • Approval documents from the local building department or other relevant authorities.

Proof of abatement may be uploaded in DOB’s abatement portal for review.

Additionally, please also see our Alternative Resolution Team (ART) page. This program is designed to provide customers with financial relief from fines if the customer provides proof of violation abatement in a timely manner.

Schedule of Fines

Legislation implemented in 2018 included in the Budget Support Act provides for a yearly increase to DOB fines in accordance with the change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Annually, beginning each January 1st, DOB fines will increase.  Please note that fine amounts correspond to the date of the infraction, rather than to the date an NOI is issued. The Schedule of Fines for 2025 (calendar year) may be found here.