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Department of Buildings

Effective Monday, March 17, 2025, DOB's Customer Service Center will temporarily relocate from the second floor to the sixth floor (Suite E630) at 1100 4th St SW to accomodate ongoing construction. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you!

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Basic Business License Inspection Process

In order to obtain or renew a Basic Business License as a rental property provider, landlords must obtain and pass a DOB inspection. There is no cost for the inspection; however, if a property fails the inspection or you request that the inspection be rescheduled with less than two business days advance notice, you will be responsible for paying a $90.00 re-inspection fee that must be paid prior to license renewal.

To schedule an inspection on your property, please submit a request using this online inspection request form and the DOB Inspection and Compliance Administration will contact you directly within 10 business days to schedule an inspection. 

To ensure that we have the best contact information for you, please visit the Housing Registry to provide or update your contact information.

A few things to note:

  • The Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection (DLCP) issues Basic Business Licenses; here is a checklist to ensure you are meeting their requirements.
  • Any request to reschedule must be made at least two (2) business days prior to the scheduled inspection date.
  • If renewing a Basic Business License and you do not obtain a passed inspection prior to the time of renewal, your Basic Business License will not be renewed. Failure to obtain an inspection within 90 days, you license will be cancelled.
  • You may also receive a Notice of Infraction (NOI) for operating your business without fully complying with the licensure regulations.