The Board for the Condemnation of Insanitary Buildings (BCIB) is charged, under DC Official Code Section 6-901, et seq. (2001 Edition), with:
- Examining the sanitary condition of all buildings in the District
- Receiving referrals from other agencies, citizens and inspectors
- Inspecting insanitary building conditions and reporting them to BCIB meetings
- Determining buildings that are so insanitary they endanger the health or lives of occupants or people in the vicinity
- Serving owners with Notices to Show Cause, within 10 days, on why their buildings should not be condemned
- Holding hearings, if owners ask for them
- Issuing Orders of Condemnation to owners to correct insanitary conditions, within 30 days, by changing, repairing, making habitable, razing, or removing buildings
- Making buildings safe and sanitary or razed and removed—if owners fail to fix conditions—and assessing corrective action costs as special taxes on the property
The six BCIB members are full-time DC government employees, appointed by the Mayor.
NOTE: The BCIB regular meetings are generally scheduled on the 4th Wednesday of each month from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm via Microsoft Teams. Login instructions for each meeting will be provided on the District of Columbia Office of Open Government website.
BCIB Meeting Information: Schedule and Meeting Minutes
For any case status designated as “status hearing,” there is no need for either the property owner or the ANC to attend the hearing. The case status is listed on the agenda. Minutes of BCIB meetings are available by request via audio tape. DOB is working closely with the BCIB to provide minutes on demand on this website.
For more information, please contact Tanzy Brown at (202) 285-4475.
What Does Insanitary Mean?
Insanitary means unhealthy conditions, especially infectious, deleterious influences, including non-water-tight roofs, walls, floors, doors, windows; improper grading, drainage; open plumbing/sewer lines; defective electrical systems; fire danger; presence of or conditions that encourage breeding of rats, rodents, or disease-carrying insects; and in general, filthy conditions.
Who Are the Board Members?
Members of the Board for the Condemnation of Insanitary Buildings (BCIB) are full-time DC government employees, appointed by the Mayor:
- Two members from the Department of Buildings, which provides administrative support
- One member each from the Mayor’s Office of Economic Development, Department of Housing and Community Development, Department of Public Works, Office of Property Management, Office for Planning and Economic Development, and the Office of Planning’s Historic Preservation Office.
Board Members
- Peter Nyabagosi, Department of Buildings (DOB) - Chairperson
- Timothy Dennee, Office of Planning (OP)/Historic Preservation Office (HPO)
- Steven Thompson, Department of Public Works (DPW)
- Allam Al-Alami, Department of General Services (DGS)
- Forest Hayes, Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD)
- Lamir Whetstone, Department of Buildings (DOB)
- Patrick Smith, Council of the District of Columbia (DMPED)