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Department of Buildings

DOB is excited to introduce Pop-Up Permits (PUPs), our new pilot program for customers to get a streamlined Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) for temporary use of a previously vacant building for up to one (1) year - all without going through the traditional permitting process to maximize the time the space can operate. Learn more about Pop-Up Permits (PUPs).

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Our on-demand Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Kustomer with a "K," streamlines the way we respond to customer inquiries to ensure we do it in a timely manner. Whether you contact DOB through the web, social media, phone, or email, Kustomer provides access to a single point of contact for assistance with permitting, inspections, construction compliance, and enforcement. The system is designed to submit, assign, track, prioritize, and resolve your inquiries and provide our staff with key information to assist you.

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