We have provided guidance to help property owners and developers go from design to occupancy with the Department of Building's (DOB) Green Building Division. At each step in the process, we provide resources to improve compliance with the building codes and laws. It is critical during the early conceptual design phases of a construction project that green building requirements are considered and integrated into the plans.
Design Process
Determine the Applicability of Green and Energy Laws and Regulations
The design team is strongly encouraged to make this decision early in the design process, as there are different requirements in each code that may change design decisions. For more information on new codes plus the new Energy and Green Building worksheets, visit our Energy and Green Building section.
Permit Process
After a building permit application is submitted to DOB, a plan review workflow is assigned to the project. All projects 10,000 square feet or greater are assigned "green reviews" and are reviewed as applicable according to the Energy Conservation Code (ECC) and either the Green Building Act (GBA) or Green Construction Code (GCC). All projects less than 10,000 square feet are assigned an "energy review" and are reviewed according to the Energy Conservation Code.
Third-Party Plan Review
For information regarding the third-party plan review process, visit the Green Third-Party Program.
Inspection Process
All Energy and Green Code Inspections can be scheduled using Tertius, our online inspections marketplace.
Certificate of Occupancy Review Process
Projects regulated under either the Green Construction Code or Green Building Act will be reviewed by the DOB's Green Building Division at application for the first certificate of occupancy (CO) for a floor above grade and subsequent certificate of occupancies. This includes Core and Shell CO, Conditional CO, and temporary CO.
Process for Projects Subject to the Green Building Act
Green Building Act (GBA) Code of the District of Columbia § 6-1451.05 Financial security)
Privately-Owned and Financed Projects:
The division will review progress with LEED certification on LEED Online page
Submit for financial security by one of four methods:
Binding Pledge: a copy of the recorded pledge, signed by the project owner and the District of Columbia Office of the Attorney General (OAG), is required to be submitted. The pledge agreement must be in a form approved by OAG. For projects with a land lease please use the land lease templates
Green Bond: 80% of the amount of the potential fine posted as a bond benefitting the District is required to be submitted
Cash: 80% of the amount of the potential fine deposited into an escrow account in a financial institution in the District in the names of the applicant and the District. A copy of the binding escrow agreement is required to be submitted.
Irrevocable letter of Credit: 80% of the amount of the potential fine posted as in Irrevocable Letter of Credit benefitting the District is required to be submitted.
Publicly-Owned and Publicly Projects:
The division will review progress with LEED certification on LEED Online page, or Enterprise Green Communities certification at Green Communities Online Portal, as applicable.
Process for Projects Subject to the Green Construction Code
Green Construction Code Projects
Demonstrate approved Preliminary and Final Green Inspections.
Verify the following documents have been reviewed and approved:
Submit completed Construction Waste Management Form and haul receipts.
Submit Indoor Air Quality Plan.
As applicable, submit Material Selection Calculation.
As applicable, submit the Preliminary Commissioning Report.
Alternative Compliance Pathways
Enterprise Green Communities
Confirm access to the online Green Communities Certification Portal has been granted to DOB and "Pre-build" approval has been certified by Enterprise
Confirm access to LEED Online account has been granted to DOB.
DOB may request an update on the project's LEED certification progress if the LEED Online does not show sufficient points have been attempted/awarded or there is no activity.
National Green Building Standard (ICC 700)
Submit a copy of the Rough and Final Inspection Report form from the accredited verifier
Submit a copy of the Verification Report from the accredited verifier
ASHRAE 189.1
Demonstrate approved Preliminary and Final Green Inspections.
Verify the following documents have been reviewed and approved:
Submit completed Construction Waste Management Form and haul receipts.
As applicable, submit the Preliminary Commissioning Report.