The Department of Buildings (DOB) issues two types of housing Notices of Infraction (NOIs) - a Notice of Infraction Emergency (NOIE) and a Notice of Infraction Routine (NOIR). To learn more about NOIs, please visit our NOI page.
- An NOIE/NOIR identifies violations of the DC Codes and/or Regulations and orders a property owner to abate - or fix - the violation within a mandatory time period. If you are issued an NOI, you are also issued a civil penalty (fine).
Example Lifecycle of a Housing Code Inspection
- Step One: Residents can report possible housing code violations to DOB via (202) 671-3500 or our online property maintenance complaint form.
- Step Two: DOB schedules and conducts an initial inspection. Inspection is completed within 24 hours of complaint for emergencies and within 15 to 20 days of complaint for routine maintenance inspections.
- Step Three: After an initial inspection, an inspector will document any violation(s), and either an NOIE or NOIR, or both, will be generated. NOIEs must be abated within 24 hours. NOIRs may be abated within 60 days as long as any associated NOIE is also abated in a timely manner.
- Step Four: A property owner is served any NOIE or NOIR via e-mail or U.S. Mail.
- Step Five: If the property owner abates any NOIE within 24 hours, and the NOIR within 60 days, then those violations qualify for deferred enforcement, and will not be filed, or will be dismissed without fines. Proof of abatement can be provided here.
- Step Six: If the property owner fails to abate the violations, the NOIE or NOIR is also filed at the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH). NOIs from the same inspection are filed together.
- Step Seven: A property owner can admit the cited violations and pay the fine associated with the NOI, deny the violations, or admit the violations with an explanation. If the violations are denied, OAH will schedule a hearing. For more information, visit the OAH website.
- Step Eight: A property owner may contact DOB’s Alternative Resolution Team (ART) for options to resolve a case other than OAH. Please note that ART will require all violations to be abated.
Lead Paint Hazard
Whenever work related to abatement of an NOIE/NOIR could result in the disturbance of lead paint, the respondent shall abide by all applicable provisions of the "Lead-Hazard Prevention and Elimination Act of 2008" and the EPA "Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting rule" regarding lead-based paint activities, including adherence to "lead-safe work practices." For more information, go to and look under "Lead and Healthy Housing".
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