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2133 31st Place SE - Determination Letter

Thursday, March 30, 2023
Letter of Determination

2133 31st Place SE - Determination Letter

This letter will confirm the items discussed on July 8, 2022 at the PDRM 22-Z-00159 held with my staff. The existing property is zoned R-1-B and has been improved with a nonconforming singlefamily detached home with a driveway. The project proposes an addition and renovation of the existing house. I confirm the project’s compliance with respect to the zoning criteria under 11 DCMR as follows:

1. The existing structure is nonconforming. Per zoning code section D- 206.7, the left side setback (along the alley) is allowed to be a minimum of 5'.
2. The existing block where the house is located contains only 3 structures, the subject property and 3107 W St. SE have front setbacks on 31st Pl. The front of the existing house
has a 15' front yard setback. The existing side yard cannot be reduced outside of the range.
3. The existing structure is nonconforming. Per zoning code section D- 206.7, the right side setback is conforming and shall maintain an 8-foot side yard.
4. The existing screen porch can be converted to conditioned space, and the existing study can have an interior renovation because the house was built in 1933, prior to 1958
per zoning code section 205.3. At the existing first floor level, interior renovation of the existing space including conversion from the screened porch to conditioned space is
allowed. The new walls to enclose the existing screen porch must be within the existing footprint of the roof, they do not need to be located in the same spot as the existing
screen walls. Evidence must be provided that the existing porch existed before 1958. The porch (not the house) has to be built prior to 1958.
5. Subtitle A Section 304 allows the Zoning Administrator Minor Flex of 2% above Lot Occupancy and up to 12” for setbacks. Anything additional beyond this amount would
require approval through BZA.
6. The existing chimney needs to be included in the lot coverage calculation.
7. The area indicated by the stripes in the attached plat (Existing Screen Porch and Study) is allowed to have an addition above (extending into the rear setback) because the
porch was built prior to 1958 per zoning code section 205.3. Any work done on the second floor or above this existing nonconforming area must meet maximum lot
occupancy per B-3126.