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Department of Buildings

On Tuesday, February 18, 2025, DOB will launch a major update to our building plan submission and review system, ProjectDox. This update will improve stability and the user experience exponentially. For more information, please click here.

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Construction Code Modifications

The Department of Buildings (DOB) considers allowing variances and/or modifications when there are practical difficulties or undue economic hardship involved in meeting a construction code requirement.

DOB must thoroughly review your application before granting a variance and/or modification to any provision of the DC Construction Codes. A fee of $192.50 is required for all reviews and must be paid in advance of any review.

Application for Construction Code Variance:

Before we can render a disposition, we must ensure that:

  • The intent of the Code is preserved and;
  • Public health and safety mandates are assured.

In the case of hardships, a self-imposed one will not be considered. DOB will view equal or better methods of construction or compensatory actions to meet the intent of the code favorably.

Please include all of the pertinent information. The documentation you provide with this application is the only information that DOB will review. You may provide additional narrative, plans, or photos that depict the requirement for which the variance/modification is requested. Original signatures are required. Submissions should be emailed to [email protected].

Any application that is incomplete or without the owner’s signature will be returned.

We strive to respond promptly. Please allow at least 15 business days from the date of receipt of your application before calling about its status. If you have not received a response from DOB within 15 business days, please call (202) 671-3500.

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