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Department of Buildings

Effective Monday, March 17, 2025, DOB's Customer Service Center will temporarily relocate from the second floor to the sixth floor (Suite E630) at 1100 4th St SW to accomodate ongoing construction. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you!

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More Applications

The following applications are available to serve District residents and businesses as a part of the Department of Buildings’ (DOB) commitment to use data and technology to increase efficiency and deliver more accessible service. Additionally, we seek to be transparent in our performance and clearly communicate our Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to our customers so that they know what to expect from our agency.

DOB Public Dashboard

The new DOB Public Dashboard gives access to a wider variety of information and increases transparency by making data more accessible to customers and stakeholders. Previously, the Agency Performance Dashboard simply measured performance metrics based on DOB’s Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and made that data clearly visible to customers. The new Dashboard is much more robust, to include showing trends of certain construction metrics obtained during the permitting process, which will help better understand how the District is growing economically.

The Dashboard's new features include:

  • Economic Insights: the new DOB Index provides insight into the economic health of the District through a lens of construction activity.
  • Vacant Properties: new search features allow users to filter by ward, neighborhood, Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC), and Police Service Areas.
  • Violations and Abatement: our new dynamic search tool allows users to search multiple owners and by address with auto-complete features to amplify search capabilities.
  • Permit Operations: the Building Permits Issued view allows filtered views by fiscal year, quarter, month, and type/sub-type. The Average Days for Construction Permits view allows customers to see how long it takes to get a construction permit.
  • Inspections: this updated section now shows inspections by type, quarter, and ward.
  • Updated Design: with a new color scheme and layout, updated section headings include summaries of what elements are included in each category. Site navigation is improved thanks to the addition of filters, drill-downs, and the ability to further sort and organize the most important data. Users are also now able to download and export data spreadsheets.



Certifi serves as DOB's comprehensive platform for you to apply for, track, and receive your approved DC Certificate of Occupancy (C of O). This platform operates with a wizard-based approach, allowing you to follow streamlined instructions to speed up the process of obtaining your C of O.


Citizen Access Portal

The Citizen Access Portal, DOB’s commercial permitting application, may be used to submit permit applications for multi-unit residential and commercial permit applications. Here, users may request a building plat, apply for a Certificate of Occupancy, request a Vacant Property Exemption, apply for a Zoning Compliance Letter, and apply for a Home Occupation Permit.

Note, residential permit applications for one- and two- family dwellings must be submitted through our Permit Wizard and will be rejected if submitted through the Citizen Access Portal.



Dispatch, DOB’s inspections-on-demand system, was launched to match customers with inspectors and keep customers informed in real time. Now, when a customer submits a request for an inspection using the inspection request forms available on, an inspection is automatically scheduled and a link is provided so that the status of an inspection is provided, and automated updates are sent to the customer when an attempt to inspect is unsuccessful, needs to be rescheduled or is completed.



eRecords, DOB’s electronic records management system, provides access to records within the District of Columbia. In eRecords, users may view the following types of records: Building Permits; Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical Permits; Building Plans; Certificates of Occupancy; and more.


Permit Wizard

The Permit Wizard is a user-friendly, digital platform that modernizes the way customers can begin residential building projects by identifying the permits needed and the total estimated costs of all permits needed for an entire project through a guided series of questions. The Permit Wizard has been expanded to Include Trade, Solar, Raze, and Demolition Permits for Residential Projects and Trade Permits for Commercial Projects.



ProjectDox is the online plan review platform used by DOB and our sister agencies. This system allows the electronic submission of building plans and supporting documentation and provides a convenient platform to track holds for comments and corrections, to confirm that tasks are completed, and to the status of your permit application if you are an applicant.



Scout, an online consolidated database shared between the Department of Buildings and the Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection, that access to publicly-available data including permitting and inspections information, Certificates of Occupancy, licensing, and enforcement action, and more, in one system – improving the way you access essential District information. 

Users may search using a street address, business name, person’s name, permit, or license number.



SurDocs, DOB’s land record management system is an online records research interface that allows users to learn more about any part of the District by square, lot, parcel, reservation, or appropriation number. 



Tertius is designed to be a one-stop shop that connects residential and commercial property owners and managers with certified and approved inspectors.  This allows customers to make on-demand inspections and to select a pricing plan or choose to use a DOB inspector so that they can make the best decision for themselves or their business. 


Wall Check Platform

DOB's digital Wall Check platform is your one-stop-shop to ensure your plans and projects are meeting District surveying requirements.

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