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Department of Buildings

Effective Monday, March 17, 2025, DOB's Customer Service Center will temporarily relocate from the second floor to the sixth floor (Suite E630) at 1100 4th St SW to accomodate ongoing construction. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you!

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Energy and Green Building Solar

Solar Energy Permitting

The DC Department of Buildings (DOB) is dedicated to completing Solar Plan Reviews within ten (10) business days.

For an overview of the District's permitting process, please visit our Permitting Overview page.

Solar Code Compliance

  • Residential permit applications are reviewed using the District of Columbia Residential Code, 2017.

  • Multi-family and Commercial permit applications are reviewed using the District of Columbia Building Code, 2017.

Solar Permitting Application

  • Submit Residential one and two-family permit applications through the Permit Wizard.
  • Submit Multi-family and Commercial permit applications through the Citizen Access Portal.

Solar Affidavit

There are multiple ways to satisfy the solar portion of the zoning regulations as part of your application to DOB. If you choose to submit an affidavit that there is no solar energy system on an abutting property, please download this solar affidavit document and add your name(s) and the property address to it. Sign it in ink in front of a notary and have the affidavit notarized. Once finished, return a copy of the signed and notarized solar affidavit to DOB. It does not need to be recorded with the Recorder of Deeds.

Solar Plan Review Resources

Solar Self-Certification: One- and two-family residential buildings may qualify for expediated zoning plan review using our solar self-certification process. Roof mounted systems not more than two feet (2’) above the roof or parapet-mounted panels not more than one foot (1’) above the top of the side wall parapet qualify for the solar self-certification process.

The District of Columbia has laws and regulations to protect neighboring properties from damage. To learn more about your responsibilities as a permit applicant, visit our Neighbor Notification webpage.

Solar Inspections

Go to Tertius, our one-stop shop that serves as a marketplace for District inspections.

Additional Information and Resources

DC Intersection with office buildings and a church