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Department of Buildings

Effective Monday, March 17, 2025, DOB's Customer Service Center will temporarily relocate from the second floor to the sixth floor (Suite E630) at 1100 4th St SW to accommodate ongoing construction. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you!

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Vacant Buildings

Vacant and Blighted Properties

DOB's Vacant and Blighted Properties division responds to complaints to make determinations about building occupancy status and sends notifications regarding vacant and blighted buildings to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the general public. DOB’s main goal is to bring vacant buildings back into productive use.

Residential Properties                               

If you’d like to report a vacant or blighted property/schedule an inspection with DOB, please follow this link:

Report Vacant/Blighted Property 

As a reminder, all rodent, graffiti, abandoned vehicles, fallen trees, mold, or squatter-based issues should be reported to DC311 for resolution.

Contact DC311 

Curious about the status of your residential property and if it has been deemed vacant or blighted? Check out DOB's Vacant Property section of its Public Dashboard:

Vacant Property Map 

How Can I Register My Vacant Or Blighted Property?

Vacant Property Registration

  • Create a Citizen Access Portal account using Access DC.
  • Register with Vacant Building Enforcement
  • Select Online application
  • Click Building20 arrow and select “Vacant Property Registration”
  • Continue filling out the required information. Make sure Under Step 2 that Vacant is selected
  • Complete the payment process via our online payment portal.

Blighted Property Registration (Please Note: Class 4 Properties Are Not Eligible For Exemptions)

  • Fill Out the Blighted Building Response Form
  • Complete the payment process via our online payment portal.



My property is vacant; can I get an exemption?

The following categories may entitle you to an exemption

  • My property is under active construction, with appropriate permits issued and inspections occurring;
  • The owner is/I am actively seeking to rent or sell
  • My property is the subject of a pending application for development that requires approval of the Board of Zoning Adjustment, Zoning Commission, Commission on Fine Arts, Historic Preservation Review Board, Mayor's Agent for History Preservation, or National Capital Planning Commission
  • Substantial undue economic hardship exemption
  • You may apply for an exemption via a hard-copy completed Vacant Building Response Form, or online through our Citizen Access online portal below:


    Request Exemption


Appeal Resources

If you are seeking to appeal a blighted determination, please download, complete, and send the completed form to [email protected]. While these documents may also be mailed to DOB, digital completion may result in faster response times.