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Department of Buildings
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Construction Codes Coordinating Board

The Mayor established the Construction Codes Coordinating Board (CCCB) to replace the Building Code Advisory Committee (BCAC) in March 2009. The CCCB is charged with “reviewing and updating the Construction Codes for the District of Columbia to meet present-day demands for adequate and safe construction and maintenance of new and existing buildings and structures.”

The composition, purpose, scope, and procedures of the CCCB are set forth in the DC Regulations (1 DCMR §§ 600-603), Mayoral Orders, and the By-Laws of the CCCB, and may be amended. The CCCB may modify the CCCB procedures as necessary to facilitate the Board’s activities.

The CCCB is an unpaid 13-person board with members appointed by the Mayor to terms of three (3) years. More information about Board membership is provided here. The Department of Buildings (DOB) provides the CCCB with administrative and staff support.

Regular CCCB meetings are held monthly, and special meetings may be scheduled more often. Dates of CCCB meetings are published in the DC Register and posted on the DOB website and the Board of Ethics and Government Accountability (BEGA) website. Unless announced otherwise, all meetings are to be held at 1100 4th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20024.

The 2017 District of Columbia Construction Codes were adopted and became effective on May 29, 2020. The CCCB commenced a new code development cycle in Fall 2020 based on the 2021 ICC model codes, ASHRAE 90.1-2019 and the 2020 National Electrical Code.

Petition to Amend, Change or Add a Construction Code

How to Petition

CCCB Information

CCCB Bylaws

Construction Codes Coordinating Board (CCCB) Bylaws as amended on July 15, 2021.

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