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Department of Buildings

Effective Monday, March 17, 2025, DOB's Customer Service Center will temporarily relocate from the second floor to the sixth floor (Suite E630) at 1100 4th St SW to accommodate ongoing construction. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you!

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Zero Energy/Zero Carbon

The Sustainable DC and Clean Energy DC initiatives have established a comprehensive energy and climate strategy, aiming for a 56% reduction in emissions by 2032 and carbon neutrality by 2050. This strategy promotes innovation, efficiency, and resilience through progressive energy policies. It outlines necessary measures in building practices, energy systems, and transportation to achieve the district's rigorous greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction goals by 2032.   

To help support these objectives, the Construction Codes Coordinating Board (CCCB) established alternative compliance paths for the 2017 DC Energy Conservation Code, which include options for meeting net zero energy or zero carbon program standards. Projects that comply with the net zero energy or carbon program standards will be recognized as meeting the DC Energy Conservation Code. This approach aims to reduce redundancy and bureaucracy for projects striving to achieve net zero energy or carbon compliance.  

The below is a list of alternative compliance pathways to the 2017 Building Code (Sections 101.10.6 and 101.10.7):

Projects subject to the Commercial Provisions of the DC Energy Conservation Code:

  • Appendix Z. Demonstrate compliance with all sections of Appendix Z, with the exception of Section Z5.2 of the Energy Conservation Code—Commercial Provisions 
  • Compliance utilizing ILFI Zero Energy Building. 
  • Compliance utilizing PHIUS+ and on-site solar. 
  • Compliance utilizing PHI and on-site solar. 
  • Compliance utilizing LEED and LEED Zero Carbon. 
  • Compliance utilizing LEED and LEED Zero Energy. 

Projects subject to the Residential Provisions of the DC Energy Conservation Code:

  • Compliance utilizing ERI. 
  • Compliance utilizing DCRA Residential Net-Zero Energy Program.  
  • Compliance utilizing ILFI Zero Energy Building Certification.  
  • Compliance utilizing the DOE Zero Energy Ready Home and on-site solar. 
  • Compliance utilizing PHIUS+ and on-site solar. 
  • Compliance utilizing PHI and on-site solar. 
  • Compliance utilizing LEED and LEED Zero Carbon. 
  • Compliance utilizing LEED and LEED Zero Energy. 

Net Zero Energy Incentives Program

If your project is considering compliance to a net-zero energy compliance pathway but, need some encouragement? Check out our Net-Zero Energy Incentives Program. 

Resources and Information

Check out our NZE guides developed by New Buildings Institute (NBI); winner of our NZE education and outreach grant.

DC-ZE Project Guide
DC Multi-Family Guide
Integrated Design Charrette Toolkit

Technical Guide

Please note, this technical guide was developed under the auspices of DCRA, which ceased operations on September 30, 2022, though much of the information is still applicable. Should you need more information, please contact us.


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