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Department of Buildings

Effective Monday, March 17, 2025, DOB's Customer Service Center will temporarily relocate from the second floor to the sixth floor (Suite E630) at 1100 4th St SW to accommodate ongoing construction. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you!

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Welcome to the Department of Buildings

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Get An Inspection

Housing and Property Maintenance

The Department of Buildings (DOB) supports a thriving community of residents, businesses, and visitors through diligent protection of health and safety and equitable administration of regulation and compliance in the District. It is DOB's mission to ensure your building and your unit is healthy and safe.

Illegal Construction Inspections

Any construction in the District of Columbia done without required building permits is illegal construction. Construction in the District of Columbia is allowed Monday through Saturday from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm without any special permits. Please call 311 to report imminent danger of collapse conditions immediately.

Construction Inspections

If you need an inspection of completed work you did under structural, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, fire protection, elevator, or boiler permits, or you need a zoning inspection, please call (202) 671-3500.

Basic Business License Inspection

In order to obtain or renew a Basic Business License as a rental property provider, landlords must obtain and pass an inspection. There is no cost for the inspection, however, if a property fails the inspection or you request that the inspection be rescheduled with less than two business days advance notice, you will be responsible for paying a $90.00 re-inspection fee that must be paid prior to license renewal.

Boiler Inspection Information

Boilers and Unfired Pressure Vessels in the District of Columbia need to be inspected at least once a year. The annual inspections can be conducted by DOB inspectors or by boiler insurance companies licensed by the District of Columbia. You can request an inspection by calling (202) 671-3500.

Conveyance Inspections

No elevator or conveying system, including, but not limited to, escalators, dumbwaiters, wheelchair lifts, cartveyors, manlifts and moving walks, shall be operated without a valid certificate of inspection issued by the code official.


Elevator Inspections

The Department of Buildings conducts inspections of all elevators in the District. The District of Columbia requires that an owner of a conveyance that is in public use have a valid Certificate of Inspection issued by DOB in order to operate that conveyance in accordance with DC law.

Proactive Inspections

The Proactive Inspection Program is designed to promote safety and ensure all multi-family rental buildings in the District of Columbia meet residential property maintenance and building codes.

Third Party Inspections

In order to be approved to participate in the Third Party Program, a Third Party Agency must submit an application to DOB, for review and/or approval. The application must identify the Professional-In-Charge and a list of inspectors and/or plan reviewers affiliated with the agency who will perform or supervise Third Party inspections and plan reviews. Refer to the Third Party Program Manual for more information on the approval process. 

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