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Fast Track Fit Outs

Fast Track Fit Outs Program Overview

DOB is pleased to introduce a fast-track plan review process for office renovations that qualify under a new job classification known as fast track fit-outs at no additional cost to customers. DOB seeks to approve these permits within 30 business days or less for engaged applicants who deliver comprehensive applications informed by our resources and who respond promptly to any comments that arise during DOB's review.

Advantages of New Fast Track Fit Outs Classification

  • Expedited plan review timeline for office renovation projects: 15 business days for the initial review, and 5 business days each for any additional rounds of review.
  • Plan reviews are streamlined—designs comply with the code in fewer review cycles—because of additional guidance given to applicants on common code citations.
  • Allows for the necessary monitoring and resource management to ensure that established Service Level Agreements are met.


  • Fast Track Fit Outs are limited to nonstructural alterations (Levels 1 and 2 only) of conventional Group B offices with no change of occupancy, so please clearly indicate "NO structural work/alteration" in your application..
  • In this context, DOB considers an "office" as: a room, set of rooms used for providing professional services per 2017 DCBC 304.1, located in existing buildings that are mostly occupied by businesses for similar purpose, excluding medical procedures or storing/selling substances.
  • If you are uncertain if your project qualifies for this fast track review process, please contact us.


  • Common Code Citations for Fast Track Fit Out Projects
    • DOB has created a document with commonly-used code requirements for Office-to-Office renovation projects. Not all items may apply to every case, and the list is not exhaustive. However, it can enhance the likelihood of success in completing your building plans submission during the first review cycle.
    • The attached checklist contains items that should be considered for applicable project scope.