DOB offers additional zoning resources like sample zoning plans, Zoning Administrator Interpretations, and guidance to help your permitting and plan review process go smoothly. Please also check out our Zoning FAQs and contact us if you have further questions.
Housing in Downtown Program: Housing in Downtown is an innovative initiative designed to catalyze new residential development in Downtown DC and add thousands of new residents downtown through a 20-year tax abatement for commercial-to-residential conversions. DOB plays a key role in the HID initiative by approving building permit applications. For more information, please visit our Housing in Downtown page.
Medical Cannabis Zoning: On January 30, 2023, Mayor Muriel Bowser signed the Medical Cannabis Amendment Act of 2022, effective March 22, 2023 (D.C. Law 24-332; D.C. Official Code § 7-1761.01, et seq.) (“Act”). Among other features, the Act created six licensing categories for medical cannabis businesses: courier; cultivation center; internet retailer; manufacturer; retailer; and testing laboratory (“Medical Cannabis Businesses”). Read Zoning Administrator Interpretation ZA-031 and our Zoning Guide For Medical Cannabis Business Locations for more information.
Sample Zoning Plans
View model drawings to see what is typically found in a building permit plan and the information contained in those drawings. Submitting complete plans will help the Office of the Zoning Administrator review process. On plans, show characteristics of buildings and lots including building height, yard setbacks, lot occupancy, penthouse placement, permeable paving, parking and loading space configuration, and other standards. If these characteristics are shown clearly in the drawings, zoning reviewers can apply the relevant zoning regulations and complete your review quicker.
Small Residential Development Sample Zoning Plan
Building Footprint: Residential Dwelling
The floor plan below for a residential dwelling:
- Shows the building footprint at each floor/story
- Distinguishes existing building from new additions
- Includes dimensions of the perimeter building wall
Reference Sheet A300: Image may be downloaded.
Building Footprint: Building Elevations
The building elevation shows the:
- Building Height Measuring Point (BHMP) at the top of the first floor and the total building height measured from the BHMP
- Building height and number of stories are included, and includes Residential Flat (RF) Zones and the historic district illustrations of protected architectural features
Reference Sheet A300: Image may be downloaded.
Building Footprint: Building Sections
The building sections show the:
- Location of the BHMP is shown in elevation
- Building setbacks in the RF Zones and historic districts
- Longitudinal and transverse building sections which are graphical slices through the building documenting the building height and stories, as well as the grading, areaway, and window well width
Reference Sheet A301: Image may be downloaded.
Building Footprint: Site Plan
The site plan shows the:
- Two-dimensional birds-eye view, which includes details not shown on the plat
- Decks, porches, stairs, pervious and impervious areas are dimensioned fully
- Roof plans include roof decks and railings, roof hatches, HVAC units, chimneys and solar arrays
Reference Sheet A001: Image may be downloaded.
Multi-Family Residential Development Sample Plan
Building Blueprint: Building Plan with Inclusionary Zoning Unit
A typical floor plan should clearly show the unit number, the bedroom count, and identify the Inclusionary Zoning (IZ) units.
Reference Sheet A2.13: Image may be downloaded.
Building Blueprint: Building Front Elevation
Each building elevation should clearly show the Building Height Measuring Point (BHMP). The total building height is measured from the BHMP to the top of the roof, and is dimensioned. The building elevation documents the location of the BHMP in elevation and identifies critical penthouse setbacks, as well as the building height and number of stories.
Reference Sheet A3.01: Image may be downloaded.
Building Blueprint: Building Section
The primary longitudinal and transverse building sections document building height, stories, penthouse and court height, penthouses setbacks, as well as ground-level grading, areaway, and window well width. It identifies the location of the BHMP in section/elevation, and clearly shows dimensions of each floor level.
Reference Sheet A402: Image may be downloaded.
Building Footprint: Building Plat
The building plat documents the building footprint for assessment and provides the dimensions for the building area, front, rear, and side yard setbacks, court areas and penthouse setbacks. The plat also identifies the location of the BHMP in the building plan.
Reference Sheet District of Columbia Office of the Surveyor Building Plat: Image may be downloaded.
Zoning Regulations
- 2019-002 “Pre-1958 Apartment House Expansion” in RF Zones
- 2019-003: Defining a Separate Dwelling Unit
Zoning Administrator Interpretations
The Office of the Zoning Administrator provides zoning interpretations as additional guidance to applicants, when zoning regulations are unclear, in order to allow for consistency and transparency in the application of the zoning regulations. Interpretations may also be needed in cases where there is disagreement about the meaning or applicability of a particular regulation.
1: Roof Membrane and Building Height
The Office of Zoning Administrator measures both building height and the penthouse height from the roof slab level and not the surface of the roof assembly or membrane.
2: Balconies and GFA
View the ‘chargeability’ of the Gross Floor Area (GFA) regarding exterior and inset balconies, under the Zoning Regulations.
3: Bay Windows
The Zoning Regulations are silent on bay window projections into yards or courts.
4: Meaning of Abut
The term ‘Abut’ is not defined in the Zoning Regulations. However, 11 DCMR B-100.1(g) directs the Office to Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary for terms not defined in the B-100.1.
5: Use of Parapet as Roof top deck Railings without Setback
Under Section B-308.3 of the DC Zoning Regulations, up to a four foot high parapet on a roof in an R, RF, or RA Zone is allowed to exceed the permitted building height.
6: Pergolas and Trellis Cross Member Spacing to be Excluded from Lot Occupancy
In order for the framing of a pergola or overhead trellis to be excluded from lot occupancy, the cross members or lattice spacing of said pergola or trellis must be spaced greater than 24 inches on-center.
7: Rooftop Architectural Element
The provision in the Zoning Regulations regarding the preservation of rooftop architectural elements in the RF- zones is as follows.
8: Driveway Widths and One-Way vs. Two-Way Circulation
The Zoning Administrator has interpreted, in regards to 11 DCMR C-711.6(a).
9: Rooftop Dining Areas Adjacent to Partial Floors
The scenario is distinguished from the use of a penthouse and adjacent building rooftop for bar and/or eating establishment use that is regulated under 11 DCMR U § 1500.3 (c).
10: Demolition vs Raze for Zoning Purposes
From the Zoning Regulations perspective a complete removal of a building has certain Zoning consequences, because an existing building that is referenced in a Zoning regulation would no longer exist.
11: Definition of Stove for Kitchen Purposes
A cooking facility is an a component of a dwelling unit under 11 DCMR B-100.2.
12: Cellar or Basement over 6’6” where Slab is Lowered is not an Addition
Applicants proposing to change the headroom of an existing basement or cellar with substandard but pre-existing structural headroom of over 6 feet 6 inches must determine is such change constitutes an addition under the Zoning Regulations.
13: Microbreweries in PDR Zones
The classification of the principal use is based upon the percentage of the beverages sold to the patrons for on-site consumption.
14: Signs Not Regulated Under DC Zoning Regulations
The current Zoning Regulations, DCMR Title 11, do not overtly address the regulations of signs.
15: Use of a Vacant Lot for Temporary Construction Activities is a Matter of Right Use
The use of a vacant lot for temporary construction buildings, such as a trailer, is allowed as a matter of right, under 11 DCMR U-202.1(o) in all R- zones.
16: Closed Court Minimum Area- RA Zones
A court surrounded on all sides by the exterior walls of a building, or by exterior walls of a building and a side or rear lot lines, or by alley lines where the alley is less than ten feet (10 ft.) in width.
17: Off Site Parking – Written Agreement
Required parking spaces are required to be provided at a location that is specified under the following Section, 11 DCMR C-701.8.
18: Auto Rental Use as in NC Zoning District is permitted within the D, MU, and PDR Zoning Districts
A use that specializes in providing services, that includes rental of automobiles, falls under the “Motor Vehicle-Related” Use Category 11 DCMR Subtitle B-200.2 (v) (1).
19: Attic Space of Less than 6 feet, 6 inches is not a Story
As set forth in Subtitle B §§ 100.2 and 304.7 of the Zoning Regulations, an interior space of a building is considered to contain gross floor area [GFA] when it has structural headroom of 6 feet 6 inches or greater.
20: Accessory Apartment Uses in R-14, R-16 and R-21 Zones
Sets forth the minimum Gross Floor Area required for a principal dwelling in order to have an accessory apartment use for specified zones.
21: Wesley Heights Overlay Map - Required Front Yard Setbacks
Section D-805.1, which denotes the Wesley Heights Overlay map entitled "Required Front Yard Setbacks” for the R-14 and R-15 zones, illustrates the required front yard setback dimensions.
22: Recognition of Existing Record Lots Overlaid by Tax Lots
This interpretation summarizes a recent SOP between DOB's Office of the Zoning Administrator and the Office of the Surveyor regarding the condition of a Record Lot that is overlain by an Assessment and Taxation [A&T Lot] or Tax Lot.
23: Vesting of PUD Order does not include Sheeting and Shoring nor Demolition Permits
The Office of Zoning Administrator has a long-standing practice that it will recognize a submitted building permit application that is considered complete for foundation to grade and/or new construction of the permanent building above grade.
24: Difference between Balconies and Rooftop Decks
The Office of Zoning Administrator has had several applications where a portion of a top of a building is being used as an open balcony or deck which is adjacent to a partial top story at the same level.
25: Fences Are Not Generally Subject to Zoning Review
The Zoning Regulations exclude fences from yard setback requirements under Section B-324.1.
26: Automobile Elevators excluded from GFA Calculations
Section B-304.8 excludes certain portions of an interior of a building from the calculation of Gross Floor Area.
27: Extended Stay Hotels
The Zoning Administrator has determined that a Certificate of Occupancy for an existing hotel would not need to be changed to allow an extended stay hotel operation.
28: Accessory Building Summary – RF Zones
Because the Zoning Regulations contain several provisions regarding the regulation of Accessory Buildings, the Office of Zoning Administrator has summarized these regulations in RF zones for clarity.
29: Allow Replacement of Accessory Buildings with Non-Conformities
The longstanding practice of the Office of the Zoning Administrator allows accessory buildings which are non-conforming, due to not meeting required yard setbacks and/or contributing to an excessive lot occupancy, to be razed and rebuilt to the same size (footprint and height) at the same location regardless of such non-conformity.
30: ARTS District – Eating and Drinking Establishment Liner Street Frontage Regulation
Under Section K-811.9(a), the amount of street frontage for eating and drinking establishments is limited to not more than 50% of specified blocks in the Mixed-Use Uptown Arts Zones.
31: Zoning Guidance for Medical Cannabis Business Locations
On January 30, 2023, Mayor Muriel Bowser signed the Medical Cannabis Amendment Act of 2022, effective March 22, 2023 (D.C. Law 24-332; D.C. Official Code § 7-1761.01, et seq.) (“Act”). Among other features, the Act created six licensing categories for medical cannabis businesses: courier; cultivation center; internet retailer; manufacturer; retailer; and testing laboratory (“Medical Cannabis Businesses”).
32: Applying Inclusionary Zoning Standards to Co-living Dwelling Units
The Department of Buildings (DOB) is issuing the following guidance to describe how the Inclusionary Zoning (IZ) regulations (Subtitle C, Chapter 10) apply to co-living dwelling units.
Additional Resources and Information
- Antenna - Request for Zoning Review
- At a Glance: Establishing or Expanding a Childcare Operation in the District of Columbia
- BZA and ZC Modification Form
- Certificate of Inclusionary Zoning Compliance (CIZC) Application
- Certificate of Inclusionary Zoning Compliance (CIZC) Supplemental Form
- Certificate of Occupancy Application
- Child Development Homes Building Code- Appendix M
- DHCD - Inclusionary Zoning/ADU Property Dashboard
- Dwelling Unit Classification In Residential Building Projects Requiring Wet Bar Covenants
- Dwelling Unit Covenant
- Eating Establishment Questionnaire
- Establishing a Child Development Center
- Establishing a Child Development Home
- FAQs - Childcare Permitting and Regulations
- Fire Evacuation Plan Guidelines for Child Development Homes
- GAR Exemption Status Application
- Guidance Regarding Firearm Retail Sales Establishments
- Guide to the BZA Application Process
- Housing in Downtown (HID) Permitting Guidance
- Housing In Downtown (HID) Certificate
- HOP Application Background
- Inclusionary Zoning Co-Living Addendum
- Off-Site Parking Zoning Covenant
- Penthouse Affordable Housing Addendum
- Reasonable Accommodation Form
- Solar Permitting and Zoning Self-Certification
- Tree and Slope Information Form
- Written Fire Evacuation Plan Form
Zoning Services
Frequently Asked Questions