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Department of Buildings

Effective Monday, March 17, 2025, DOB's Customer Service Center will temporarily relocate from the second floor to the sixth floor (Suite E630) at 1100 4th St SW to accomodate ongoing construction. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you!

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Welcome to the Department of Buildings

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Overview of Permitting Process

Getting a permit in the District involves numerous steps. Depending on the project, you may be required to get approvals or services from agencies besides DOB.

DOB's Building Permit Fee Schedule provides information on the costs associated with permitting your project, so be sure to consult that as you are planning your project. You may also view DOB's Plan Review and Permitting Timelines to get a feel for how long the anticipated review time is for your plan review and permitting process from start to finish.


The development standards outlined in Title 12 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (DCMR) regulate the use of land, the height and size of buildings, the size of lots, provision of yards, parking requirements, and more. 

Before you submit your permit application

  • Find out if development restrictions apply to your project. It is important to ensure that any work you intend to take complies with zoning regulations. Additional development restrictions are administered by other agencies, such as Historic Preservation, the National Capital Planning Commission, the US Commission of Fine Arts, or other preliminary reviewing organizations. For more information and a complete list of overlays, visit the DC Office of Zoning website.
  • Learn if you need to get Office of the Surveyor documents to submit with your permit application. These may include plats, subdivisions, or street and alley closing forms. A building plat is a scaled drawing of a lot, showing lot lines and record dimensions. Plats are required for all exterior work and must show all existing structures drawn to scale. The plat must be certified by the DC Surveyor. You can obtain a plat here. Please note that plats are not required for jobs that only consist of interior work (e.g., bathroom remodeling). 
  • See if your project is a good candidate for a Concept Review, which helps developers of large projects to discuss preliminary design, building code, inspection requirements, or zoning-related questions before the submission of a permit application.
  • Find out if you need the issuance of a new address. If you do, submit a completed application through our Kustomer portal. Schedule a Preliminary Design Review Meeting (PDRM) if you are submitting a large-scale project, such as the construction of a new residential or office building. 
  • Set up other pre-application meetings with DC Water, DC Department of Transportation (DDOT). and the Department of Health (DOH). These meetings can help eliminate unforeseen obstacles during the review of permit applications.

Environmental Review Process
DC Public Law 8-36, the Environmental Policy Act of 1989, requires that all District government agencies consider the environmental impact of all proposed major actions before issuing any approvals for them.
Permit applicants are required to submit an Environmental Intake Form (EIF) with their application to determine if an Environmental Impact Screening (EIS) is required. If an Environmental Impact Screening is required, an interagency review team will look over the applicants' Environmental Impact Screening Form (EISF) and make a determination. This process takes approximately 30 days.

Preparing Your Permit Application
When preparing your permit application:

  • Check out our Standard Permit Plan Review Checklist and template cover sheet.
  • Make sure all required information is provided and all applicable boxes are checked
  • Include a valid address
  • Collect and submit the required supporting documentation

Intake/Completeness Check
All applications are reviewed electronically once submitted through the Citizens Access portal.

Plan Submittal

When you have completed your application, you will receive an email with a link to our ProjectDox ePlan review system, where you will be able to upload all plans and supporting documents for plan review. DOB will review your application and plans to determine if you have met the minimum requirement for plan review based on the complexity of the project scope. Once approved at the pre-screening, your project will be assigned to the required plan review disciplines for review. 

Plan Review

After you file your permit application, it must be reviewed by all of the relevant disciplines. Each discipline will review the plans and approve them, or put a hold on the application if the applicant needs to make corrections based on our plan review team's comments. Final building permit approval will not be given to any project until all disciplines and external agencies have approved and stamped the plans.

Typically, plans are routed through:

  • Zoning review
  • Mechanical/Plumbing review
  • Electrical review
  • Fire review
  • Structural review
  • Green
  • Energy

For certain projects such as restaurants, excavation, work in historic districts, or work in public space, these agencies may also participate in the review process:

  • Office of Planning (Historic Preservation)
  • District Department of Transportation (Public Space)
  • Department of Health (Community Hygiene)
  • Department of the Environment (Soil Erosion and Storm Water Management)
  • Water and Sewer Authority .

Permit Issuance

After all disciplines and external agencies approve the application, you will receive a notification to pay any outstanding permit fees. During issuance, please ensure you have included the contractor’s information or indicated as the property owner that you will be acting as the contractor. The contractor’s information (license number and mailing address) is required for the issuance of the permit. 


This preparedness guide is helpful for customers preparing for permit-based inspections.

There are two categories of DOB inspections related to permits:

  • Building inspections, which include plumbing, electrical, fire and construction inspections, ensure the building has been constructed per the building code and approved plans.
  • Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) inspections, related to the use of the building, are required for occupancy of all buildings except single-family dwellings. To schedule a plumbing, electrical, fire, construction, elevator or boiler inspection, call the Building Inspections Scheduling unit at (202) 671-3500. You can now schedule construction inspections 24/7 from any phone.

If you intend to use a Third Party Inspection agency, please review the guidelines online.

Certificates of Occupancy
A Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) is a document that certifies that the use of a building complies with Zoning regulations and Building Codes.

A new C of O is required when new construction or alteration has occurred—or there have been changes in:

  • Ownership
  • Occupancy Load
  • Use

You must get a Certificate of Occupancy before occupation and use of the building, and post the C of O for public view.

Please note that single-family homes, individual units in an apartment building, and individual suites in an office building do not require Certificates of Occupancy. Please view the Certificate of Occupancy process to get started.