Amharic (አማርኛ)
- Application for Solar Zoning Self-Certification (ለጸሀይ አከላለል እራስን ማረጋገጥ ማመልከቻ) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
- BBL Bulk Inspection Request (BBL የጅምላ ፍተሻ ጥያቄ) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
- BBL Checklist (BBL የማረጋገጫ ዝርዝር ((2022)) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
- Blight Appeal Checklist (የጉዳት አድራሽ ይግባኝ የማረጋገጫ ዝርዝር) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
- Blighted Building Response Form (የጉዳት አድራሽ ሕንጻ ምላሽ ቅጽ) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
- Building Code Interpretation - Addition (የሕንጻ ኮድ ትርጓሜ - መደመር) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
- Building Code Interpretation - Fence (የሕንጻ ኮድ ትርጓሜ - አጥር) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
- Building Code Interpretation - Retaining Wall (የሕንጻ ኮድ ትርጓሜ - የማቆያ ግድግዳ) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
- Cancellation and Refund Instructions (የስረዛ እና ገንዘብ የመመለስ መመሪያዎች) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
- Code Modification Guidelines (ኮድ ማሻሻያ መመሪያዎች) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
- DOB Career Pathways Packet (DOB የሙያ መንገዶች ፓኬት) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
- DOB Enforcement Graphic - Amharic (አማርኛ) DOB ማስፈጸሚያ ግራፊክ (pdf)
- DOB Environmental Intake Form (DOB አካባቢያዊ የመቀበያ ቅጽ) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
- DOB Proactive Refund Application Fillable (DOB አስቀድሞ ገንዘብ የመመለስ ማመልከቻ የሚሞላ) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
- DOB ProjectDox Application Prescreening Guide (DOB ProjectDox የማመልከቻ ቅድመ ማጣሪያ መመሪያ) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
- DOB Application for Certificate of Use for Sidewalk Cafe In Public Space (DOB በሕዝባዊ ቦታ ውስጥ ከእግረኛ መሄጃ ጎን ካፌዎች የመጠቀም ፈቃድ ማመልከቻ) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
- DOB Application for New Address (DOB ለአዲስ አድራሻ ማመልከቻ) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
- DOB Application to Install Supplemental Electrical Systems in Buildings (የDOB መተግበሪያ በህንጻዎች ውስጥ ተጨማሪ የኤሌክትሪክ ስርዓቶችን ለመጫን) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
- DOB Application to Install Supplemental Plumbing Systems In Buildings (የDOB መተግበሪያ በህንፃዎች ውስጥ ተጨማሪ የቧንቧ ስርዓቶችን ለመጫን) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
- DOB Certificate of Occupancy Authorization Form (DOB የይዞታ ፈቃድ የምስክር ወረቀት ቅጽ) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
- DOB Contract Agreement (DOB የውል ስምምነት) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
- Eating Establishment Questionnaire (የመመገቢያ ተቋምን የሚመለከት መጠይቅ) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
- Establishing or Expanding A Child Development Center (የልጆች ዕድገት ማዕከልን መመስረት ወይም ማስፋፋት) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
- HOP Cancellation Form (HOP የስረዛ ቅጽ) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
- Interpretations 2018-001 (ትርጓሜዎች 2018-001) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
- Interpretations 2018-002 (ትርጓሜዎች 2018-002) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
- Interpretations 2018-003 (ትርጓሜዎች 2018-003) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
- Interpretations 2018-004 (ትርጓሜዎች 2018-004) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
- Interpretations 2018-005 (ትርጓሜዎች 2018-003) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
- Neighbor Notification Form (የጎረቤት ማሳወቂያ ቅጽ) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
- Tenant Inspection Consent Form (የተከራይ ፍተሻ ስምምነት ቅጽ) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
Spanish (Español)
- Application for Solar Zoning Self-Certification (Solicitud de autocertificación de zonificación solar) - Spanish (Español) (pdf)
- BBL bulk Inspection Request (Solicitud de inspección a granel de BBL) - Spanish (Español) (pdf)
- BBL Checklist (2022) - Lista de verificación de BBL (2022) - Spanish (Español) (pdf)
- Blighted Building Response Form (Formulario de respuesta del edificio en malas condiciones) - Spanish (Español) (pdf)
- Building Code Interpretation - Addition (Interpretación del código de construcción - Adición) - Spanish (Español) (pdf)
- Building Code Interpretation - Fence (Interpretación del código de construcción - Cerca) - Spanish (Español) (pdf)
- Building Code Interpretation - Retaining Wall (Interpretación del código de construcción - Pared de retención) - Spanish (Español) (pdf)
- Cancellation and Refund Instruction (Instrucciones de cancelación y reembolso) - Spanish (Español) (pdf)
- Code Modification Guidelines (Pautas para la modificación de códigos) - Spanish (Español) (pdf)
- DOB Career Pathways Packet (Paquete de trayectorias profesionales del DOB) - Spanish (Español) (pdf)
- DOB Enforcement Graphic - Spanish (Español) ((Gráfico de aplicación del DOB) pdf)
- DOB Environmental Intake Form (Formulario de admisión ambiental del DOB) - Spanish (Español) (pdf)
- DOB Proactive Refund Application Fillable (Solicitud de reembolso proactivo del DOB rellenable) - Spanish (Español) (pdf)
- DOB ProjectDox Application Prescreening Guide (Guía de preselección de aplicación de ProjectDox del DOB) - Spanish (Español)
- DOB Application for Certificate of Use for Sidewalk Cafe In Public Space (Solicitud del certificado de uso para el café en la acera en espacios públicos del DOB) - Spanish (Español) (pdf)
- DOB Application for New Address (Solicitud de nueva dirección del DOB) - Spanish (Español) (pdf)
- DOB Application to Install Supplemental Electrical Systems in Buildings (Solicitud para instalar sistemas eléctricos complementarios en edificios del DOB) - Spanish (Español) (pdf)
- DOB Application to Install Supplemental Plumbing Systems In Buildings (Solicitud para instalar sistemas de plomería complementarios en edificios del DOB) - Spanish (Español) (pdf)
- DOB Certificate of Occupancy Authorization Form (Formulario de autorización del certificado de ocupación del DOB) - Spanish (Español) (pdf)
- DOB Contract Agreement (Acuerdo de contrato del DOB) - Spanish (Español) (pdf)
- Eating Establishment Questionnaire (Cuestionario de establecimiento de comidas) - Spanish (Español) (pdf)
- Establishing or Expanding A Child Development Center (Establecimiento o expansión de un centro de desarrollo infantil) - Spanish (Español) (pdf)
- Establishing or Expanding A Child Development Home (Establecimiento o expansión de una casa de desarrollo infantil)- Spanish (Español) (pdf)
- HOP Cancellation Form (Formulario de cancelación de HOP) - Spanish (Español) (pdf)
- Interpretations 2018-001 (Interpretaciones 2018-001) - Spanish (Español) (pdf)
- Interpretations 2018-002 (Interpretaciones 2018-002) - Spanish (Español) (pdf)
- Interpretations 2018-003 (Interpretaciones 2018-003) - Spanish (Español) (pdf)
- Interpretations 2018-004 (Interpretaciones 2018-004) - Spanish (Español) (pdf)
- Interpretations 2018-005 (Interpretaciones 2018-005) - Spanish (Español) (pdf)
- Neighbor Notification Form (Formulario de notificación de vecino) - Spanish (Español) (pdf)
- Tenant Inspection Consent Form (Formulario de consentimiento de inspección del inquilino) - Spanish (Español) (pdf)
French (Français)
- Application for Solar Zoning Self-Certification (Demande d’auto-certification d’aménagement solaire) - French (Français) (pdf)
- BBL bulk Inspection Request (Demande d’inspection groupée BBL) - French (Français) (Français) - (pdf)
- BBL Checklist (2022) (Liste de contrôle BBL (2022)) - French (Français) - (pdf)
- Blighted Building Response Form (Liste de contrôle de l’appel pour dégradation) - French (Français) (pdf)
- Building Code Interpretation - Addition (Interprétation du code du bâtiment - Ajout) - French (Français) - (pdf)
- Building Code Interpretation - Fence (Interprétation du code du bâtiment - Clôture) - French (Français) (pdf)
- Building Code Interpretation - Retaining Wall (Interprétation du code du bâtiment - Mur de rétention) - French (Français) (pdf)
- Cancellation and Refund Instructions (Instructions d’annulation et de remboursement) - French (Français) (pdf)
- Code Modification Guidelines (Directives de modification du code) - French (Français) (pdf)
- DOB Career Pathways Packet (Paquet de parcours professionnels du Département des bâtiments (Department of Buildings, DOB)) - French (Français) (pdf)
- DOB Enforcement Graphic - French (Français) (Graphique de mise à exécution du DOB.pdf)
- DOB Environmental Intake Form (Formulaire de validation environnementale du DOB) - French (Français) (pdf)
- DOB Proactive Refund Application Fillable (Demande de remboursement proactif du DOB rechargeable) - French (Français) (pdf)
- DOB ProjectDox Application Prescreening Guide (Guide de présélection de la demande ProjectDox du DOB) - French (Français) (pdf)
- DOB Application for Certificate of Use for Sidewalk Cafe In Public Space (Demande de certificat d’utilisation du DOB pour terrasse de café dans un espace public) - French (Français) (pdf)
- DOB Application for New Address (Demande de nouvelle adresse du DOB) - French (Français) (pdf)
- DOB Application to Install Supplemental Electrical Systems in Buildings (Demande du DOB pour l’installation de systèmes électriques supplémentaires dans les bâtiments) - French (Français) (pdf)
- DOB Application to Install Supplemental Plumbing Systems In Buildings (Demande du DOB pour l’installation de systèmes de plomberie supplémentaires dans les bâtiments) - French (Français) (pdf)
- DOB Certificate of Occupancy Authorization Form (Formulaire d’attestation d’autorisation d’occupation du DOB)- French (Français) (pdf)
- DOB Contract Agreement (Convention contractuelle du DOB) - French (Français) (pdf)
- Eating Establishment Questionnaire (Questionnaire pour les établissements de restauration) - French (Français) (pdf)
- Establishing or Expanding A Child Development Center (Création ou agrandissement d’un Centre de développement de l’enfant) - French (Français) (pdf)
- HOP Cancellation Form (Formulaire d’annulation du permis HOP) - French (Français) (pdf)
- Interpretations 2018-001 (Interprétations 2018-001) - French (Français) (pdf)
- Interpretations 2018-002 (Interprétations 2018-002) - French (Français) (pdf)
- Interpretations 2018-003 (Interprétations 2018-003) - French (Français) (pdf)
- Interpretations 2018-004 (Interprétations 2018-004) - French (Français) (pdf)
- Interpretations 2018-005 (Interprétations 2018-005) - French (Français) (pdf)
- Neighbor Notification Form (Formulaire de notification de voisinage) - French (Français) (pdf)
- Tenant Inspection Consent Form (Formulaire de consentement à l’inspection de l’occupant) - French (Français) (pdf)
Korean (한국어)
- Application for Solar Zoning Self-Certification ( 태양광 구역 자체 인증 신청 ) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- BBL bulk Inspection Request ( BBL 일괄검사요청 ) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- BBL Checklist (2022) ( BBL 체크리스트(2022) ) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- Blight Appeal Checklist ( 역병 항소 체크리스트 ) - - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- Blighted Building Response Form ( 황폐화된 건물 대응 양식 ) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- Building Code Interpretation - Addition ( 건축법 해석 - 추가 ) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- Building Code Interpretation - Fence ( 건축법 해석 - 울타리 ) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- Cancellation and Refund Instructions ( 취소 및 환불 안내 ) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- Code Modification Guidelines ( 코드 수정 지침 ) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- DOB Career Pathways Packet ( DOB 직업 진로 패킷 ) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- Building Code Interpretation - Retaining Wall ( 건축법 해석 - 옹벽 ) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- Cancellation and Refund Instructions ( 취소 및 환불 안내 )- Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- DOB Enforcement Graphic ( DOB 집행 그래픽 - 한국어 ) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- DOB Environmental Intake Form ( DOB 환경 섭취 양식 ) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- DOB Career Pathways Packet ( DOB 직업 진로 패킷 ) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- DOB Proactive Refund Application Fillable ( DOB 사전 환불 신청서 작성 가능 ) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- DOB ProjectDox Application Prescreening Guide ( DOB ProjectDox 애플리케이션 사전 심사 가이드) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- DOB Application for Certificate of Use for Sidewalk Cafe In Public Space ( 공공 장소의 보도 카페 사용 증명서에 대한 DOB 신청 ) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- DOB Application for New Address ( 새 주소에 대한 DOB 신청 ) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- DOB Application to Install Supplemental Electrical Systems in Buildings ( 건물에 보충 전기 시스템을 설치하기 위한 DOB 신청 ) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- DOB Application to Install Supplemental Plumbing Systems In Buildings ( 건물에 보충 배관 시스템을 설치하기 위한 DOB 신청 ) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- DOB Certificate of Occupancy Authorization Form ( DOB 점유 허가서 양식 ) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- DOB Contract Agreement ( DOB 계약서 ) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- Eating Establishment Questionnaire ( 식당 설립 설문지 ) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- Establishing or Expanding A Child Development Center ( 아동발달센터 설립 또는 확장 ) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- HOP Cancellation Form ( HOP 취소 양식 ) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- Interpretations 2018-001 ( 해석 2018-001 ) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- Interpretations 2018-002 ( 해석 2018-002 ) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- Interpretations 2018-003 ( 해석 2018-003 ) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- Interpretations 2018-004 ( 해석 2018-004 ) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- Interpretations 2018-005 ( 해석 2018-005 ) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- Neighbor Notification Form ( 이웃 신고서 ) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
- Tenant Inspection Consent Form ( 세입자 검사 동의서 ) - Korean (한국어) (pdf)
Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt)
- Application for Solar Zoning Self-Certification ( Đơn xin tự chứng nhận phân vùng năng lượng mặt trời ) - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
- BBL bulk Inspection Request ( Yêu cầu kiểm tra hàng loạt BBL ) - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
- BBL Checklist (2022) ( Danh sách kiểm tra BBL (2022) ) - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
- Blight Appeal Checklist ( Danh sách kiểm tra khiếu nại bệnh tàn lụi ) - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
- Blighted Building Response Form ( Mẫu phản hồi của tòa nhà bị tàn lụi ) - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
- Building Code Interpretation - Addition ( Giải thích mã tòa nhà - Bổ sung ) - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
- Building Code Interpretation - Fence ( Giải thích mã xây dựng - Hàng rào ) - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
- Building Code Interpretation - Retaining Wall ( Giải thích quy chuẩn xây dựng - Tường chắn ) - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
- Cancellation and Refund Instructions ( Hướng dẫn hủy và hoàn tiền ) - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
- Code Modification Guidelines ( Nguyên tắc sửa đổi mã ) - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
- DOB Career Pathways Packet ( Gói lộ trình nghề nghiệp DOB ) - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
- DOB Enforcement Graphic ( Đồ họa thực thi DOB ) ( - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
- DOB Environmental Intake Form ( Mẫu tiếp nhận môi trường DOB - ) - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
- DOB Proactive Refund Application Fillable ( Đơn xin hoàn tiền chủ động DOB có thể điền được ) - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
- DOB ProjectDox Application Prescreening Guide ( Hướng dẫn sàng lọc trước ứng dụng DOB ProjectDox ) - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
- DOB Application for Certificate of Use for Sidewalk Cafe In Public Space ( Đơn xin cấp Giấy chứng nhận sử dụng quán cà phê vỉa hè ở không gian công cộng ) - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
- DOB Application for New Address ( Đơn xin DOB cho Địa chỉ Mới ) - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
- DOB Application to Install Supplemental Electrical Systems in Buildings ( Ứng dụng DOB để lắp đặt hệ thống điện bổ sung trong tòa nhà ) - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
- DOB Application to Install Supplemental Plumbing Systems In Buildings ( Ứng dụng DOB để lắp đặt hệ thống ống nước bổ sung trong các tòa nhà ) - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
- DOB Certificate of Occupancy Authorization Form ( Mẫu giấy chứng nhận quyền sử dụng DOB ) - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
- DOB Contract Agreement ( Thỏa thuận hợp đồng DOB ) - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
- Eating Establishment Questionnaire ( Bảng câu hỏi về cơ sở ăn uống ) - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
- Establishing or Expanding A Child Development Center ( Thành lập hoặc mở rộng trung tâm phát triển trẻ em ) - Vietne (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
- HOP Cancellation Form ( Mẫu hủy HOP ) - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
- Interpretations 2018-001 ( Giải thích 2018-001 ) - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
- Interpretations 2018-002 ( Giải thích 2018-002 ) - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
- Interpretations 2018-003 Giải thích 2018-003 ) - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
- Interpretations 2018-004 ( Giải thích 2018-004 ) - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
- Interpretations 2018-005 ( Giải thích 2018-005 ) - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
- Neighbor Notification Form ( Mẫu thông báo hàng xóm ) - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
- Tenant Inspection Consent Form ( Mẫu chấp thuận kiểm tra người thuê nhà ) - Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (pdf)
Chinese (中文)
- Application for Solar Zoning Self-Certification ( 太陽能分區自我認證申請 ) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- BBL bulk Inspection Request ( BBL 批次檢驗請求 ) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- BBL Checklist (2022) ( BBL 清單 (2022) ) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- Blight Appeal Checklist ( 枯萎病申訴清單 ) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- Building Code Interpretation - Retaining Wall ( 建築規範解讀-擋土牆 ) - Amharic (አማርኛ) (pdf)
- Blighted Building Response Form ( 破舊建築響應表 ) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- Building Code Interpretation - Addition ( 建築規範解釋 - 添加 ) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- Building Code Interpretation - Fence ( 建築規範解讀—柵欄 ) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- Building Code Interpretation - Retaining Wall ( 建築規範解讀 - 擋土牆 ) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- Cancellation and Refund Instructions ( 取消和退款說明 ) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- Code Modification Guidelines ( 程式碼修改指南 ) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- DOB Application for Certificate of Use for Sidewalk Cafe In Public Space ( DOB 申請公共場所人行道咖啡館使用證書 ) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- DOB Application for New Address ( DOB 新地址申請 ) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- DOB Career Pathways Packet ( DOB 職涯發展包 ) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- DOB Enforcement Graphic ( DOB 執法圖 ) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- DOB Environmental Intake Form ( DOB 環境攝取表 DOB huánjìng shèqǔ biǎo) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- DOB Proactive Refund Application Fillable (DOB 主動退款申請可填寫) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- DOB ProjectDox Application Prescreening Guide ( DOB ProjectDox 申請預篩選指南) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- DOB Application for Certificate of Use for Sidewalk Cafe In Public Space (DOB 申請公共場所人行道咖啡館使用證書) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- DOB Application to Install Supplemental Electrical Systems in Buildings (DOB 應用程式在建築物中安裝補充電氣系統)_- Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- DOB Application to Install Supplemental Plumbing Systems In Buildings (DOB 應用程式在建築物中安裝補充管道系統) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- DOB Certificate of Occupancy Authorization Form (DOB 佔用憑證授權表) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- DOB Contract Agreement (DOB合約協議) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- Eating Establishment Questionnaire (餐飲場所調查問卷) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- Establishing or Expanding A Child Development Center (建立或擴大兒童發展中心) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- Establishing or Expanding A Child Development Home (建立或擴大兒童發展之家) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- HOP Cancellation Form (HOP 取消表格) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- Interpretations 2018-001 ( 解讀2018-001) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- Interpretations 2018-002 (解讀2018-002) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- Interpretations 2018-003 (解讀2018-003) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- Interpretations 2018-004 (解讀2018-004) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- Interpretations 2018-005 (解讀2018-005) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- Neighbor Notification Form (鄰居通知表 ) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)
- Tenant Inspection Consent Form ((租户检查同意书 Zūhù jiǎnchá tóngyì shū ) - Chinese (中文) (pdf)